Additional rules
Parking is for one vehicle only.
Drive past my driveway and pull into the gravel spot right next to it.
Look for the fluorescent green tape to guide you around the house to the backyard and trail.
Please leash pup(s) to and from your vehicle and the trail.
Please be sure your pup(s) are under your control if off leash on my property. You can still have a pawsome time hiking and exploring if you decide to keep your dog leashed!
Property lines are marked along the perimeter with purple paint and purple tape on tree trunks. The main trails are marked with bright green marking tape.
Please don't litter, consume alcohol or drugs, bring illegal weapons, bring glass containers, use drones, steal, carve into trees, graffiti, light fires, grill, smoke, hunt, take/share pics of our home or family, or damage my or my neighbors' property.
Please watch your step.