My dogs will be contained in the house where they will not be visible to Sniffspot guests! It is very important to me that your dog(s) have the safest environment so as to not cause them anxiety or stress during there visit! The reason for creating this Sniffspot is because all dogs need exercise and many dogs don’t like to be around stranger dogs (dog parks, etc) and/or doggie parents live in a home where there isn’t a space for there dog to run freely and play! I have some dog training and can help with walking your dog on a leash, training cool tricks such as give me paw, etc. For a small fee, I also offer bathing and light grooming such as brushing and basic hair cuts (I have had some grooming training as well!
0% of guests saw/heard
Designed for private play
Only the people and dogs in your booking are allowed in the spot during your visit.