Yes (Always)
Kid friendly zone. Kids will not be in the designated SNIFF SPOT field during times there are guests. But note they will not be staying inside. Kids may be biking on the drive way which is away from the fenced in designated SNIFF SPOT field so please drive slow. This is a working farm, so expect tractor sounds, loading trucks near the parking area. You are not renting the entire property. It is just the back field fenced off that is the private sniff spot. KEEP dogs on leash until that specific area. ALSO please expect workers on the farm. The sniff spot that is being rented that is for the private sniff spot usage is the back enclosed field. So control dogs and be respectful of people you meet on the farm. The """workers""" are the property owner, my dad Glenn and my Brother Carson. As a working farm, there are also people coming in and out to pick up eggs at the egg stand, picking up plants (My dad sells blueberry plants. Be mindful some of these people picking up plants may not listen or read our messages about keeping their dogs on a leash. Everyone invited to the farm to pick up plants and eggs have been written in messages to keep their dogs on a leash until they reach the sniff spot. With that said, keep in mind that many people can not read, on private property and out in public, reading is hard for many people. So please keep dogs on leash until the sniff spot area and do not visit this spot if your dog can not be controlled around people or other dogs.
41% of guests saw/heard
Designed for private play
Only the people and dogs in your booking are allowed in the spot during your visit.