Wood-Tikchik State Park
Wood-Tikchik State Park Regulations
The following list of regulations help govern the management of Wood-Tikchik State Park. For a full list of State Park and Wood-Tikchik specific Regulations, please visit the Alaska Statutes and Regulations web page at http://www.legis.state.ak.us/basis/folio.asp
Wood-Tikchik Regulations
11 AAC 20.365 Portions of the Wood-Tikchik State Park Management Plan (2002) are adopted by reference:
1) The park-wide management policy addressing levels of commercial use, as set out in Chapter 7, pages 7-3 and 7-4- DPOR will, in the Director's discretion, establish limits on the number of client days, including the number of passengers flown into the park by permitted air taxi operators.
5) the unit specific management guidelines set out in Chapter 9:
Management Unit 1: Tikchik River
The use of hovercraft on water bodies (and snow and ice covering water bodies) is prohibited on the upper river within the Wilderness Area and is allowed only between January 1- May 31 annually on the lower river in the Natural Area. Management Unit 2: Upper Tikchik Lakes- Nishlik, Slate, Upnuk and Chikuminuk - This unit is designated wilderness.
The use of generators is prohibited.
The use of hovercraft anywhere in this unit is prohibited.
Management Unit 4: Lake Kulik and Grant Lake - This unit is designated Wilderness
The number of persons in a party camping in this management unit is limited to 10.
The use of generators is prohibited.
The use of hovercraft anywhere in this unit is prohibited.
Management Unit 6: Agulukpak River
Between 6 am and 6 pm daily, 25 client days are allowed. Between 6 pm and 6 am daily, an additional 25 client days are allowed. This limit does not apply to unguided users or to guides themselves.
Stays in the campground at the Agulukpak are limited to three nights. Commercial use of the campground is prohibited. Primitive camping is allowed along the river as long as camps are at least one-mile away from the cabin and campsites.
Management Unit 9: Lake Aleknagik State Recreation Site
A person may not operate a motorized boat in excess of \"Slow No-Wake\" speed, five miles per hour maximum, within 200 feet of a state-managed dock, swimming beach or boat launch within an area designated and marked as \"slow no-wake\" zone.
11 AAC 20.370 Use of Weapons
The use and discharge of a weapon for the purpose of lawful hunting or trapping is allowed in Wood-Tikchik State Park.
11 AAC 20.375 Aircraft
(a) The use of fixed wing aircraft is allowed in Wood-Tikchik State Park.
(b) A person may not land a helicopter in Wood-Tikchik State Park.
11 AAC 20.380 Power Boats
(a) Except as provided in (b)-(c) of this section, the use of motorized boats is allowed in Wood-Tikchik State Park.
(b) The use of an airboat is prohibited.
(c) The use of a personal watercraft is allowed only on Lake Aleknagik.
(d) The use of hovercraft.
(1) Is allowed between January 1 and May 31 only on water bodies or on snow and ice covering water bodies;
(2) except as authorized by the director under 11 AAC 18.010, is prohibited on Upnuk, Chikuminuk, Grant, Kulik, Nishlik, and Slate lakes and the upper Tikchik and Wind Rivers.
(e) The use of a motorized boat is prohibited on Lake Chikuminuk.
11 AAC 20.385 Campfires
Open fires are allowed on non-vegetated gravel bars and beaches.
11 AAC 20.390 Snowmobiles
If the director finds that the snow depth is adequate to protect underlying vegetation, the director may open Wood-Tikchik State Park to the use of snowmobiles.
11 AAC 20.397 Public Use Limitations
(a) A person, or at least one person in a party must apply for and obtain a permit issued under 11 AAC 18.010 before engaging in one or more of the following activities:
(1) floating the Tikchik River from either Nishlik or Upnuk lakes;
(2) camping on or around Chikuminuk, Nishlik, Slate, or Upnuk lakes.
(b) A person may not organize or conduct an assembly or party in Management Units 1, 2, or 4 of more than 10 people in Wood-Tikchik State Park.
(Management Unit 1: Tikchik River; Management Unit 2: Upper Tikchik Lakes- Nishlik, Slate, Upnuk, and Chikuminuk; Management Unit 4: Lake Kulik and Grant Lake)
State Park Regulations
11 AAC 12.180 Fires - In a state park, all fires must be in a portable camp stove or confined to a structure provided by the division for fires, or as otherwise provided in 11 AAC 20.
11 AAC 20.983 Use of Aircraft
(a) The use of fixed wing aircraft is allowed in the following state recreation areas, except for the purpose of practice landings:
(1) Blair Lake State Recreation Area;
(2) Tokositna State Recreation Area;
(3) Lake Aleknagik State Recreation Site;
(4) Fielding Lake State Recreation Area;
(5) Lake Louise State Recreation Area.
(b) In the Lake Aleknagik State Recreation Site, a person may not operate an aircraft in excess of \"Slow No-wake\" speed, five mile per hour maximum, within 200 feet of a state managed dock, swimming beach, or boat launch, or within an area designated and marked as a \"Slow No-wake\" zone.
(c) A person may not step taxi, take off or land an aircraft within 400 feet of the shore in an area commencing 400 feet east of Mosquito and Moody Points and running west along both shores of Lake Aleknagik State Recreation Site.
River, stream or creek
Lake or pond