San Leandro Marina
• Amplified music is allowed at Marina Park - Seagull, Otter and Mulford Points picnic areas ONLY.
• Amplified music is prohibited at all other San Leandro park picnic sites.
• Battery-powered devices may be used, but must not be audible more than 25 feet from your site.
• Picnic areas shall be cleaned by permit holder prior to departure.
• Please remove all documents, staples and tape after your event.
• No person shall throw, deposit or leave any refuse, rubbish, garbage, or other discarded or abandoned objects, in any public or private lot of land in the City.
• Alameda County Waste Management Authority (ACWMA) Mandatory Recycling Ordinance 2012-01 requires recyclables to be separate from trash. This includes cardboard, newspaper, white paper, mixed recyclable paper, recyclable glass food and beverage containers, metal (aluminum and steel) food and beverage containers, PET (#1) and HDPE (#2) plastic bottles, food scraps and compostable paper. These items MUST be placed in the proper recycling receptacle.
• A City park picnic area may be rented by groups or individuals for their exclusive use upon payment of the fee. The total fee must be paid at the time the permit is issued. Fees do not include Liability Insurance, which is required for parties of more than 99 guests.
• Park facilities that have not been reserved are open to the general public, on a first come, first served basis.
• Use of the City of San Leandro’s picnic facility shall be in accordance with all current, applicable public laws and regulations.
• City of San Leandro employees of the Recreation and Parks and Police Departments are authorized to enforce all regulations covering use of City recreation facilities. All applicable regulations must be followed by individuals and/or groups renting the recreation facilities, and it is the responsibility of the renter to ensure adherence to the regulations by their group. Where City employees observe a violation of any applicable regulations, they are authorized and required to address the violation.
• The individual or group using a facility must see that all park regulations and stated policies covering use of City recreation facilities are met by those in attendance; both adults and children.
• The use of nails and tacks are prohibited. Please remove all documents, staples and tape after your event.
• Use of recreation facilities will not be granted to a group or individual where such use would result in individual/private profit.
• No dunk tanks or animal rides are allowed in city parks.
• Groups that cause problems such as noise, litter, or aggressive behavior will have their picnic permit revoked, fees will be forfeited and may also result in the loss of opportunities to obtain permits in the future.
• Banners, decorations, weighted objects, etc. cannot be hung from shade structures.
• The City is not responsible for accidents, injury or loss of individual/property at the facilities.
• Smoking is prohibited in City and private parks, playgrounds, and athletic facilities per the City of San Leandro Municipal Code. The usage of hookahs, electronic smoke devices, and marijuana of any kind are prohibited. Failure to comply can lead to on-site cancellation by city staff.
• Parking is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Parking spaces will not be reserved for your event.
• Vehicles are not to be driven into the picnic areas; this includes catering vehicles and BBQ trailers. Vehicles also include any motorized scooter, motorcycle, or bicycle. All are prohibited from being used/parked inside of park boundaries for safety reasons.
• Permit holders will need to bring hand trucks, wagons or other means to transport their supplies.
• Marina Park visitors may not park in the golf course parking lots or the boat launch parking lot