Bark Park Rules
1. Dog Park hours, sun up to dusk daily. YOU MUST BE REGISTERED TO USE PARK
2. Make sure YOUR dog is well-behaved and well-socialized. If your dog is hesitant about entering the park, come back when less crowded. DO NOT enter the park, take your dog off leash, and leave him without boundaries and limitations. He must respect the park and other dogs. PAY ATTENTION AT ALL TIMES and know where your dog is and what he is up to. You must be in voice control at all times.
3. Small and timid dogs should use the special area designed just for them, left side.
4. No animals other than dogs may be brought into the fenced area.
5. All dogs must be leashed until safely inside the dog park and returned to a leash prior to exiting. MAKE SURE gates are closed after entering and leaving the park. Enter and exit gated area one-at-a-time for safety’s sake.
6. Do not leave a leash on dogs in the park. Bring your leash into the park in case of emergency or altercation.
7. Dog owners must remain in the fenced area while their dogs are using the dog park.
8. Children must be 12 years old and be accompanied by an adult to be permitted inside the park. Children under 12 years old not allowed in large dog area, and children under age 5 years old are not allowed in the park at all. This is a playground for dogs, not children. Please supervise very closely. Some dogs do not like children.
9. Aggressive dogs and dogs in heat ARE NOT ALLOWED IN PARK AND WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. (Known breeds such as Pit Bulls, etc.)
10. Owners must immediately leash and remove dogs from the dog park at the first sign of aggressive behavior. Do NOT permit your dog to dig holes.
11. Please be courteous to others, do not bring sick dogs to park.
12. Dogs must be licensed and vaccinated for rabies and DHLPP. Current tags must be worn on the dogs’ collar at all times. Absolutely NO spike collars.
13. Owners must dispose of waste properly in the designated on-site containers. Seal waste in the provided plastic bags before disposing in containers. It is just plain rude not to pick up your dog’s deposit. PLEASE KEEP YOUR DOG PARK CLEAN!!!!
14. All dog treats, long-lasting chews, etc., are discouraged as well as people food. Bring your own water and plastic dish for your dog. Don’t bring toys to the park that your dog is not willing to share.
15. Absolutely NO cigarette butts to be discarded in or outside park. USE SAND BUCKET.
16. No more than 3 dogs per person are allowed on any single visit and NO puppies under 4 months of age.
17. Trainers are not allowed to use the park to conduct business UNLESS approved by Clerk’s office.
18. Recognize that by bringing your dog to a dog park, you are accepting a degree of risk that your dog may be injured or may injure another dog, or worse, injure people.
19. OWNER’S ARE LIABLE FOR ANY INJURY OR DAMAGE CAUSED BY THEIR DOG AND ARE FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR DOG’S ACTIONS. 20. In the event of an emergency, call 911. Village Hall office 763-8557. 21.
Park hours: sun up to dusk daily