Heber City Dog Park
1. Park hours are between 7 a.m. and dark. All parks are closed from dark to 7 a.m.
2. Availability and use of park facilities shall be on a \"first-come, first-served,\" basis except for
pavilions that have specifically been reserved.
3. All motor vehicles and horses are prohibited from all park areas.
4. Reservation of a pavilion entitles a party to private use of ONLY the designated pavilion. The
remainder of the park cannot be reserved for private use and must be shared with the public.
5. Park users must refrain from any activity that is prohibited by state or local law.
6. The following activities and items are specifically prohibited in parks:
a) Bottles and glass containers.
b) The use or possession of any fireworks or explosives.
c) Any pets or animals, with the exception of service dogs for the impaired. Dogs are
allowed within the Muirfield Park, but must be kept on a leash. Dog waste must
immediately be properly disposed of.
d) Stakes or other objects penetrating the ground surface.
e) Any digging.
f) Smoking, consumption or possession of alcoholic beverages, fighting, bullying, creating
excessive noise, or using vulgar, threatening, abusive, indecent or insulting language or",gestures.,"g) Constructing or erecting any building or structure, including tents, shacks, temporary
shelters, awnings, mechanical equipment, or inflatable playgrounds, etc, with the
exception of City sponsored public events.
h) Damaging or removal of any building, structure, sign, equipment, tree, flower, shrub,
rock, natural feature, or other property in a park.
i) Climbing of any tree or walking, climbing, standing or sitting upon monuments, railings,
fences or upon any other property not designated or customarily used for such purposes.
j) Leaving park restrooms in an unsanitary condition.
k) Bringing or leaving any bottles, broken glass, ashes, garbage, dirt or other waste on park",property.,"l) Leaving the park before all trash is placed in disposal receptacles. If no such trash
receptacles are available or if they are full, then trash shall be carried away from the park
to be properly disposed of elsewhere.
m) Camping or loitering within a park.
n) Building or attempting to build a fire, except within designated barbeque stands, and to
leave a picnic area before any barbeque fire is completely extinguished.
o) Soliciting or engaging in any business or commercial transaction involving the sale of
goods or services, with the exception of City sponsored public events.
p) Placing or erecting a sign or advertisement within a park, with the exception of City
sponsored public events.
q) The use of skateboards, rollerblades, bikes, scooters or other wheeled items in, upon or
around the pavilions or railings located within or adjacent to any park facilities.
r) The operation of any sound amplification system (any device, system, whether electrical
or mechanical or otherwise for amplifying sound or for producing or reproducing sound;
including, but not limited to any radio, stereo, musical instrument, compact disc or
cassettes) within a public park which can be heard at a distance of one-hundred feet (100')
or beyond the property line of the public park, with the exception of City sponsored
public events.
Small dog friendly
Dog drinking water