Warrenton Dog Park
All park rules and regulations apply during rentals.
b. Pavilion occupancy limits must be adhered to.
c. Rental of the pavilion does not include exclusive use of the restrooms, playgrounds, and/or park
grounds nor does it give the Lessee or guest special privileges in any other part of the park.
d. The use of amusement rides, inflatables, games, booths, tents, portable barbeque pits, bands, DJ’s,
and erection of tents, etc. are prohibited unless specifically approved in writing by the City of
Warrenton. Use of such equipment may require special permits.
e. The pavilion may not be used for the operation of camps, day care, classes, or any other business
activity, unless specifically approved in writing by the City of Warrenton.
f. No open parties or events are allowed. No admission or other fees may be collected on premises.
g. If bringing in outside (catered) food and beverages, the Lessee must make proper arrangements to
have them delivered, unloaded, loaded and removed from the site during the said rental period. All
items MUST be removed from the premises prior to the end of the rental time.
h. Food and drink are allowed, however, no glass bottles or containers are allowed in parks.
i. Lessee is held responsible for all clean up/take down and all damages to the pavilion and/or park
during the scheduled rental, resulting from their usage.
j. At no time shall furniture or fixtures be removed from under the pavilion.
k. No decorations or materials shall be nailed, tacked, or screwed to any part of the pavilion. The
Lessee is responsible for taking down all decorations and removing all tape.
l. Confetti type materials are strictly prohibited at pavilions and in parks.
m. Fireworks or other explosive devices are strictly prohibited at pavilions and in parks.
Small dog friendly
Dog drinking water