NOLA City Bark
NOLA City Bark Rules
• Dogs must be spayed or neutered, at least 6 months old, healthy, heartworm negative, and up to date on the following vaccines: Rabies, DHLPP, and Bordetella. Dogs must be collared with current rabies tags. Proof of vaccination required for initial permit and renewal applications.
• Entrance to park with active key card only. Permit holders are prohibited from allowing anyone into the park without a working key card. Please contact 504-483-9377 or regarding any issues with cards
• Owners must remove their dog immediately from the dog park at the first sign of aggressive behavior. Dogs are not allowed to disturb, harass or interfere with wildlife, other visitors, or staff on site.
• Owners/handlers must immediately clean up after their dog(s) and properly dispose of waste. Additionally, the owner/handler is responsible for destruction caused by their dog, which includes the responsibility of filling in any holes the dog digs while in the park.
• Dog park permits are only issued to adults 18 years of age or older. The permit holder must be the person to accompany the dog to the park. Children younger than 8 years old are not allowed inside the dog park; hildren 8 years old – 18 years old must be accompanied by an adult member and should not engage with others’ dogs unless permission is granted by the owner.
• Limit of three dogs per household at one time within the fenced dog park area.
• Owners/handlers must remain inside of fenced area, with leash in hand, and within view and voice control of their dogs at all times.
• Dogs must be kept on a leash until inside the double-gated entry. Enter the first gate with the leash on and remove it prior to entering the second gate. Do the reverse when leaving.
• Only small (under 25 lbs.) or special needs dogs are allowed to use the small dog park. For safety reasons, it is strongly advised that dogs weighing less than 15 lbs. remain in the small dog park.
• The following items are prohibited within the fenced dog park area:
o Spike, choke, electric, or prong collars.
o Dog treats, rawhide chews, human food or glass containers.
o Dog toys with the exception of balls or Frisbees.
o Football, baseball, soccer, rugby and volleyballs, bicycles, rollerblades, skateboards, drones, strollers, or scooters.
o Tobacco, vapor products, alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, weapons or firearms
o Clothing that contains discriminatory or inflammatory language against a protected group/class
Park hours: Wednesday–Monday: 5:30am–9pm
Tuesday: 1pm–9pm
Small dog friendly
Dog drinking water
Indoor restroom available