Geneva Bark Park
• Keep Dogs on leashes at all times except in designated “off-leash” areas. Dogs that are leashed may feel threatened by free roaming dogs.
• Make sure all gates are closed behind you.
• No animal other than dogs are permitted in off-leash areas.
• Dogs must be registered and licensed with the City for permitted access to the park. Owner must keep documentation on hand during dog park visits and the dog must have current dog park tag on their collar while in the park.
• Professional dog trainers may not use an “off-leash” area for the conduct of business, unless prior approval from the City has been granted.
• No person shall bring more than three dogs inside the off-leash area at one time.
• Proper use of the double gated system is essential. Do not attempt to enter or exit the same time another dog is entering or exiting. Simple communication will allow the safe entrance and exit of each owner and pet. Gates to the “off leash” area must be kept closed and latched at all times.
• Keep your dog leashed until you have entered through the 2nd set of gates.
• When leaving the park, attach the leash before exiting through the 1st set of gates.
• “Off-leash” dogs must be under voice control by their owners at all times. If voice control is not possible, do not enter “off-leash” areas. Voice control enables owners to stop dogs from misbehaving.
• No children under 10 years of age are allowed inside the “off-leash area”. Children over 10 and under 18 must be accompanied by an adult person 18 years of age or older.
• Dog owners must have the leash in hand at all times. In the event of problems, dog owners should be able to quickly leash and remove their dogs from the premises.
• Dog owners must remain in the park and keep their dog in view at all times, especially in “off-leash” areas. No dog may be unattended. Unattended dogs are more likely to get into trouble and stay in trouble than dogs who are being watched.
• All dogs must have up-to-date vaccinations prior to entering the dog park. Keep a copy of current shot records on hand for police or animal control officials and tags should be on the dog’s collar. Rabies tags are proof of vaccination, while license tags show compliance with state and local laws.
• Puppies under six months of age should not enter the park. Puppies under six months of age have not received all of their vaccinations. They should be kept away from the dog park for their own protection and that of other dogs.
• Owners are responsible for the behavior of their animals. You are responsible for any injury to a person or dog and property damage caused by your dog.
• City of Geneva will not be responsible for injuries to dogs or people visiting the park.
• Aggressive dogs are not allowed in the park. Any dogs showing signs of aggression must be removed from the premises. Aggressive dogs tend to engage in fighting behavior. Any dog that engages in fighting and cannot be stopped by voice command does not belong in the dog park.
• Female dogs in heat are not permitted in the dog park. Female dogs in heat can cause aggression in male dogs. Also, females in heat should be kept at home in order to prevent unwanted puppies.
• Do not bring human or dog food inside the park.
• Do not bring any dog toys inside the park. Balls can be allowed. Dogs may claim toys that do not belong to them, which may lead to aggressive behavior. Remove any toy should another dog have issues with it. • Owners must clean up any dog droppings made by their pets. Bag all droppings before depositing them in provided receptacles. Owners help keep the dog park clean and well maintained by picking up after their pets.
• Do not brush or otherwise groom pets inside the park.
• Small dogs area is for dogs eighteen (18”) or under 25 lbs, elderly dogs and dogs with disabilities.
• Not permitted in the off-leash area: Dogs that are ill or injured; pinch, spike, prong or choke collars; alcoholic beverages, smoking, vaping, or glass, dog food or rawhide chews; bicycles, scooters, skateboards or another wheeled or motorized devices, except wheelchairs.
• The dog park is self-regulated by members, be polite and patient.
• Make sure dogs are not digging in the park, please fill any holes created.
• Abide by park hours: (Daily) 7am – Sunset, based on No entry after sunset.
• Nonobservance of these rules and regulations constitutes a violation of the Geneva City code § 77 and shall be punishable as provided in § 1-17 of Chapter 1.
• To report an emergency situation, including bites or other dog related incidents, call 911. If needed, police will dispatch Animal Control. • For violations or abuse of the dog park, contact City Hall offices at 315.789.5005