I now have poultry and giant tortoise in my immediate backyard behind the white vinyl fence. This area as well as the area behind the white vinyl fence in the front yard are not part of sniffspot. You may hear ducks quacking or chickens clucking during your visit. However, they cannot come right up to the vinyl fence. I fence off the poultry run area with dog wire pens at least 1.5-2 feet away from the vinyl fence. The tortoise is also fenced off about 3 feet away from the vinyl fence. So while your dogs may see these animals through the vinyl fence, they cannot get close nose to nose with them. I have seen some dogs come to look at the ducks and chickens but quickly lost interest since they could not do anything. This includes my own male Mastiff who has extremely high pray drive. He has ZERO interest in chasing the poultry since he cannot get close to them or see them easily. I have yet to see any sniffspot visitors' dogs spend more than a few seconds looking at the poultry. The vinyl fence is secure, and dogs cannot come through. Also, my back neighbor on the north side (all the way back) has 2 beautiful horses. Sometimes you can see them. They stay inside their own property behind the fence. They do not ever bother anyone.
58% of guests saw/heard
Designed for private play
Only the people and dogs in your booking are allowed in the spot during your visit.