Many dogs suffer from heat exhaustion and heat stroke during the summer months. Heat-related illnesses are particularly common in adventure dogs who love to go hiking, biking, running, or visiting their favorite Sniffspot private dog parks with you. All that activity gets their blood pumping!
Dogs are more susceptible to heatstroke than people are because they can't cool themselves as effectively. Canines have a limited ability to sweat through their paw pads. They primarily regulate their body temperature through panting—which is less efficient (and far less effective if it's also humid outside).
Thankfully, the warm weather doesn’t have to be a source of fear. A few key pieces of information can help you keep your pup safe! Here’s what you need to know about heat stroke in dogs.
- What is heat stroke? How does it compare to heat exhaustion and heat stress?
- What are the symptoms of heatstroke in dogs?
- What causes heat stroke in dogs?
- How can you prevent your dog from getting heatstroke?
- How should you treat heat stroke in dogs?
Read on to stay cool as you soak up the sun.
1) Definition: What is heatstroke? Is it the same as heat exhaustion and heat stress?
Heat stroke (sometimes spelled heatstroke) is a more severe form of heat exhaustion. This potentially life-threatening condition occurs when a dog's body temperature rises to dangerously high levels. Scientists call this hyperthermia. "Hyper" means "high" and "thermia" refers to temperature.
Heat stress is the least severe heat illness
You can think of heat stress like the initial precursor to heat exhaustion and heat stroke. At this stage, your dog is just starting to overheat. They'll probably show increased thirst, pant, and might seek out shade.
Heat stress isn't great cause for concern on its own. If you take a break from your activities to cool down, your dog should bounce back quickly without any need for further medical care.
Heat exhaustion comes before heatstroke
Heat exhaustion is the state between heat stress and full-blown heat stroke. At this point, your pup is on their way to a medical emergency.
Heat stroke is the most severe kind of heat-related illness
When your dog enters heat stroke, their raised core body temperature reaches more than 104 Fahrenheit. This is a serious problem. The heat can damage their vital organs and bodily systems if they aren't able to cool down quickly.

2) Symptoms: What are the clinical signs of heat stroke in dogs?
The signs of heatstroke can be subtle at first—like the mild forms of heat stress we talked about above—but the condition can rapidly escalate to life-threatening status. That means we pet parents need to be on the lookout for any indications that our four-legged friends are getting too hot. Remember, they can't tell us how they feel!
Common symptoms of heatstroke in dogs include:
Excessive panting
Dogs regulate their body temperature through panting. If you notice your dog panting excessively— especially in a hot environment or during physical activity—it may be a sign of heat-related distress.
Dogs suffering from heat stress may drool more than usual.
Bright red gums and tongue
Another sign of heatstroke is your dog's gums and tongue appearing bright red rather than their usual pink. This change indicates increased blood flow from high body heat.
Rapid or labored breathing
Heat-stressed dogs may exhibit rapid, shallow, or labored breathing as their bodies try to cool down. To our eyes, this often looks like very heavy panting. It's especially concerning if your pup isn't able to slow their breathing down at all—usually after periods of physical activity, our pets will be able to close their mouths for at least a few seconds at a time.
Weakness and collapse
Dogs experiencing heatstroke may become weak, wobbly, or even collapse. This is because heat exhaustion can lower their blood pressure.
Vomiting and diarrhea
Overheated dogs may vomit or have diarrhea.
Elevated heart rate
An increased heart rate is a common symptom of heat-related illness as your dog's body tries to pump blood and circulate it more effectively.
Seizures or tremors
In severe cases, dogs with heatstroke can experience seizures or trembling.
Unresponsiveness or disorientation
Dogs suffering from heat stress may become disoriented. They can show signs of confusion or become unresponsive to cues they usually know well.
3) Causes: What causes heatstroke in dogs?
Heatstroke is usually caused by exposure to high ambient temperatures. The risk of heat-related illness increases if the air is also humid—humid environments make it harder for your dog to regulate their body temperature through panting!
Heatstroke is more likely to occur in brachycephalic breeds (like French Bulldogs, Pugs, and Boxers). Flat-faced pups are more prone to severe heatstroke and medical emergencies because they have difficulty panting efficiently.
Common factors that can lead to heatstroke in dogs
- Excessive exercise: Overexertion or prolonged exercise in hot weather, especially without access to cool water and shade, can lead to heatstroke. A 2020 study found that exercise is the most common trigger of heat-related illness in dogs.
- High environmental temperatures: Leaving a dog in a parked car on a hot day, even with windows cracked, can quickly create excessive head leading to heatstroke.
- Lack of shade: If a dog is exposed to direct sunlight and does not have access to water and shade, they are at increased risk.
- Predisposing factors: Like underlying medical conditions and structural problems.

4) Prevention: How can you prevent your dog from getting heatstroke?
Here are some tips to help you keep your dog safe from suffering a raised core body temperature.
Know your dog's predisposing factors
Every individual dog's risk of heat stroke is different. Is your dog brachycephalic? Are they elderly? Do they struggle to take breaks on their own? These traits can boost their odds of heat-related illness.
Provide plenty of water
Ensure your dog always has access to fresh, clean water. This is paramount during hot weather, of course—but your pup needs to drink up even if you're hiking in the shade or with a strong breeze, too! Sometimes heatstroke is actually more likely on days we owners think are cool but that are still warm enough to affect our pets. (Much like how hikers can be at increased risk for hypothermia when temperatures are in the 40s, because they don't think it's cold enough to require serious prevention.)
No matter how you slice it: Hydration is crucial to help your canine companion regulate their body temperature. Plenty of water is one of the best ways to avoid thermal injury.
Offer shade
Create a shaded area for your dog to rest in when outdoors. Avoid leaving them in direct sunlight for extended periods. Be mindful of how the sun changes position throughout the day!
Avoid hot pavement
On hot days, avoid walking your dog on hot pavement or surfaces. These can both burn their paw pads and expose them to a higher concentration of warm air immediately above the asphalt.
Limit exercise in excessive heat
Avoid vigorous exercise during peak ambient temperatures. Instead, schedule walks and playtime during cooler parts of the day, like early morning or late evening. If you're going through a heat wave where there's no such thing as a "cooler part of the day"? Consider some indoor enrichment and mental exercise instead!
Never leave your dog in a parked car
Even with the windows cracked, a parked car can quickly become dangerously hot. Limited ventilation and a confined space are surefire ways to push your dog's core body temperature to unsafe levels.
Avoid overexertion
Be mindful of your dog's energy levels. Avoid pushing them too hard during play or exercise, especially in hot weather.
Watch your dog closely
Keep an eye on your dog for any signs of heat-related distress, like the excessive panting, drooling, and weakness mentioned in the previous section. Act quickly if you notice any symptoms of elevated body temperature.
5) Treatment: How can you treat heatstroke in dogs?
If you suspect that your dog is suffering from heatstroke, take immediate action to cool them down and seek emergency veterinary care.
Cool your dog down
- Move your dog to a shaded or cool area.
- Apply cool water (not ice-cold) to their body, particularly around the neck, head, and paw pads.
- Encourage them to drink small amounts of fresh water if possible.
Why not ice-cold water or ice packs? These can constrict blood vessels—which actually hinders the cooling process. Lukewarm or cool water are best.
Seek veterinary care
Heatstroke can be a life-threatening emergency. Prompt veterinary attention saves lives!
Even if your dog appears to recover from a thermal injury, internal organ damage may have occurred. Have them examined by a veterinarian to ensure they're okay in the long run.
Veterinary treatments might include intravenous fluids (fluid therapy), close observation of vital signs, and other supportive care.
Prevent heatstroke in the future
Prevention is always the best approach.
Avoid exposing your dog to extreme temperatures without proper shade, ventilation, and access to water. Be especially cautious during hot weather. Know your dog's predisposing factors. And never leave your dog in a parked car—even for a short period—unless you have a robust temperature control system with real-time notifications.
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