Ticks are the definition of creepy crawly. Their reputation for carrying diseases like Lyme makes them particularly hated among dog parents!
While no one wants to find any sort of parasite on their beloved pet, the reality is that at some point you'll probably encounter an attached tick. It's pretty much a guarantee you and your canine companion love to adventure together.
Here’s what dog owners need to know about contact with ticks. Why are tick bites dangerous for your pup—and can tick borne illnesses be treated? How can you prevent ticks from attaching to your dog? What's the best way to remove a tick if you find one on your four-legged friend? And when do you need to head into the vet?
Read on.
1) Risks: Why ticks are dangerous for your dog?
The greatest risk of a tick bite is that your dog will contract a tick-borne disease.
Ticks can carry diseases like Lyme
Lyme disease is caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi. It's primarily transmitted to dogs through the bite of infected black-legged ticks, also known as deer ticks. These teeny tiny parasites become infected with the bacterium when they feed on contaminated wildlife like deer (hence the name "deer tick") or rodents.
When an infected tick bites a dog and remains attached long enough—typically 24 to 48 hours—it can transmit the Lyme disease-causing spirochete into the dog's bloodstream. Once infected, dogs may experience various symptoms like fever, lameness, joint swelling, lethargy, and lack of appetite (inappetence).
In some cases, untreated Lyme disease can lead to more severe health issues.
Other common tick-borne diseases include:
This disease is caused by the bacterium Ehrlichia canis. The brown dog tick (Rhipicephalus sanguineus) and the lone star tick (Amblyomma americanum) can transmit Ehrlichiosis to our dogs. Symptoms range from mild to severe, including:
- fever
- lethargy
- loss of appetite
- joint pain
- bleeding disorders
Caused by the bacterium Anaplasma phagocytophilum, anaplasmosis is transmitted primarily by the black-legged tick (Ixodes scapularis) and the western black-legged tick (Ixodes pacificus). Symptoms may include fever, lethargy, joint pain, vomiting, and diarrhea.
The bacterium Rickettsia rickettsii causes RMSF. Various ticks transmit this disease, including the American dog tick (Dermacentor variabilis) and the Rocky Mountain wood tick (Dermacentor andersoni). Symptoms include fever, lethargy, coughing, loss of appetite, joint pain, and a characteristic rash—but VCA Animal Hospitals says signs of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever are often vague and non-specific. This can make RMSF hard to diagnose right away.
Are tick borne illnesses treatable?
Tick-borne illnesses in dogs are generally treatable, especially if you diagnose and treat them early.
Specific treatment depends on:
- the type of tick-borne disease
- its severity
- your dog's individual health and any underlying conditions
Some tick-borne diseases are more challenging to treat than others. With appropriate veterinary care, though? Most dogs can recover successfully! The death rate for tick-related illnesses is usually less than 10 percent.
The most common tick treatments in dogs include:
- Antibiotics: Bacterial tick-borne diseases such as Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis, anaplasmosis, and Rocky Mountain spotted fever are often treated with antibiotics. Type and duration of antibiotic treatment will vary depending on the specific disease and its severity.
- Antiprotozoal medications: Diseases caused by protozoans, such as babesiosis and hepatozoonosis, may require antiprotozoal medications to target the parasites responsible for the illness.
- Supportive care: In some cases, dogs with tick-borne diseases may require supportive care to get better. This can include fluid therapy, pain management, and other measures that alleviate symptoms. The goal is to support your dog's overall health during their recovery period!
- Blood transfusions: Dogs with severe cases of tick-borne diseases, especially babesiosis, may require blood transfusions to address anemia and other related complications.
- Follow-up monitoring: After treatment, veterinary check ups ensure your dog has fully recovered. They also enable you and your healthcare team to address any potential complications before they become more serious.

2) How to prevent your dog from getting ticks
Prevention is always better than treatment when it comes to tick-borne illnesses.
Consider routine monthly preventatives
Monthly tick preventatives can be highly effective ways to prevent tick-borne illnesses in dogs. These preventatives come in various forms: spot-on treatments, oral tablets, collars, and more. There's an option for every dog and pet parent!
How do monthly tick preventatives work?
The active ingredients in tick preventatives target ticks at different life stages. This ultimately lowers the risk of disease transmission—the medications work by either killing ticks before they can transmit diseases or by preventing ticks from attaching and feeding on your dog long enough to transmit pathogens.
When used as directed and administered regularly, these preventatives can significantly reduce the chances of your dog contracting tick-borne illnesses.
Your veterinarian will help you choose the right preventative
If you live in—or plan to visit—an area with a high tick population, discuss tick preventatives with your veterinarian. They can recommend the most suitable product based on your dog's specific needs and health status, your budget, and your personal preferences.
Avoid environments where ticks thrive
Ticks can be found throughout the entire United States. Prevalence and specific tick species vary depending on the region and climate, though.
- Deer ticks (the small parasites responsible for Lyme disease) are especially prevalent in the northeastern, north-central, and Pacific coastal regions of the United States. States like Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Minnesota are known for having significant black-legged tick populations.
- The brown dog tick is distributed throughout the United States and is particularly common in warmer regions. Pet parents often find these parasites in homes and kennels. They're a bigger problem in areas with mild winters, like the southern states.
Tick populations fluctuate from year to year. Various factors influence how many disease-carrying parasites will be along your typical walking routes, including weather, climate, and surrounding wildlife populations.
As a general rule? It’s best to assume you and your dog have been exposed to ticks whenever you go outside, and especially in warm months.
Check your dog’s skin and coat after being outside
Know that no prevention method is 100% foolproof. Perform regular tick checks on your dog, especially after spending time in tick-prone areas. This is even more important if your pup has been romping far away from you off leash!

3) What to do if you find a tick on your dog
Even the best prevention falls short sometimes. If you find a tick on your dog—and chances are you will at some point in their lifetime—here’s what to do.
Stay calm!
We know this is easier said than done—especially when you see just how creepy an engorged tick is. But it’s the best thing you can do for your dog. Take a deep breath. Remind yourself you’ve got this. With a few simple steps, you can help your four-legged friend feel better.
Carefully remove the tick
- Gather the necessary tools: You'll need a pair of fine-tipped tweezers or a tick removal tool. Avoid using your fingers—this may increase the risk of disease transmission.
- Find a well-lit area: Choose a well-lit area where you can easily see the tick on your dog's skin.
- Keep your dog still: If your dog is anxious or fidgety, try to keep them as calm as possible during the tick removal process. You may need someone to help hold your dog still if necessary. If you’ve been working on cooperative care skills for handling, this is a great time to put them to use!
- Use the tweezers or tick removal tool: Grasp the tick as close to your dog's skin as possible with the tweezers or tick removal tool. Be gentle and try not to squeeze or crush the tick.
- Pull the tick straight out: Steadily and slowly pull the tick straight upward with a steady motion. Do not twist or jerk the tick. Too much motion can cause the mouthparts to break off and remain embedded in your pup's skin.
- Check for mouthparts: After removing the tick, inspect the area to ensure you have removed the entire tick, including their mouthparts. If any parts remain, use the tweezers to remove them.
- Dispose of the tick: Place the tick in a small container with rubbing alcohol to kill it, or flush it down the toilet. Avoid crushing the tick with your fingers.
Keep an eye out for signs of discomfort
Tick-borne diseases can take time to manifest. Be on the lookout for any symptoms of illness in your dog after a tick bite.
4) When in doubt, contact your vet
If you suspect your dog has been exposed to ticks or is showing any signs of illness—particularly symptoms like fever, lethargy, loss of appetite, or lameness—seek veterinary attention right away.
Early diagnosis and treatment improve the chances of a successful recovery. Your professional vet team is the best way to minimize the risk of complications associated with tick-borne diseases.
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Amber Holly, BS, RVT, LVT