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Why Do Puppies and Dogs Nip? And How to Control It

Haley Young photo

Haley Young

June 29, 2024

Dog Training

Why Do Puppies and Dogs Nip? And How to Control It thumbnail

Ah, nipping. Everyone who has raised a dog—or simply been around a canine who's in their adolescence—knows what we’re talking about. While puppies have little mouths to start with, their teeth are razor sharp from the time they leave their mothers through the end of the teething process. (Young dogs don’t get the nickname “baby shark” for nothing!)

It’s completely normal for your new puppy to want to chew everything in sight. But just because it’s normal doesn’t mean it’s easy to deal with. Those nibbles can hurt. And no one wants puppy biting to turn into a lifelong habit, especially as your dog only grows bigger.

We’re here to help. Let’s dive into everything you need to know about your dog’s nipping! When is puppy biting normal? What causes the constant nibbling? How can you prevent it from becoming a problem?

Nipping is normal canine behavior

Young puppies—and even adult dogs—naturally explore the world through their mouths. Think of your dog’s snout similar to how you think of your own hands. If man’s best friend wants to investigate something new, they have to grab it with their teeth!

What’s more? Dogs have a highly developed sense of smell that might be aided by licking interesting objects.

All this means nipping is normal. It does not mean your dog is aggressive. It does not mean your pup has problems with people. It does not mean you’re doing a bad job as a pet parent! It’s a typical part of owning a young dog—and you’re absolutely not alone.

A young puppy chews on a teething ball

What does typical puppy nipping look like?

Puppies start teething around three to four months old. If you get your dog at the usual time from a breeder or rescue (around eight weeks old), this should be about a month or two after you first bring them home.

The teething process lasts into adolescence. Most dogs get their adult teeth between six to seven months of age. Until all those chompers are in place, you can expect your puppy to want to chew things even more than when you first picked them up. You might also notice some other symptoms of pain, like general frustration and sensitivity, as their baby teeth fall out to be replaced by larger molars and canines pushing through their gums.

In general, puppy nipping is normal:

What does abnormal or concerning puppy nipping look like?

It’s worth consulting with a professional dog trainer if you notice your dog nipping:

  • With tense body language that doesn’t seem playful.
  • Without letting go or being able to refocus their attention. This is too much bite intensity. Serious fixation on certain objects could indicate burgeoning behavior or regulation problems.
  • Their own body parts, especially if they start to rub their fur or skin raw.

Even normal puppy nipping can cause problems over time

While most nipping, mouthing, chewing, and otherwise wreaking havoc with their puppy teeth is completely natural for a growing dog, it can develop into a more serious problem if you don’t provide appropriate outlets and redirection before your puppy matures into an adult.

Dogs who don’t develop bite inhibition and self-control while growing up can become serious risks to the people, animals, and objects around them—even if their nipping never comes from a place other than playful curiosity.

Remember: Just because it’s cute when your ten-pound puppy tears into your kitchen towels or nibbles on your pant leg doesn’t mean it’ll be cute when they’re older. It’s important to start creating clear, fair boundaries from a young age to set you and your furry family member up for success!

We talk about the proper response to your puppy's nipping later in this article. With a little patience, you'll get through even the most painful bites.

Why do dogs nip?

Puppies and adult dogs chew for a number of reasons. Beyond knowing that most nipping is a normal part of exploring the new world around them, it’s also a good idea to ask what specific feelings might be inspiring your dog to bite. This can help you develop the most effective management and training plan to nip the unwanted behavior in the bud (dog pun fully intended).

Let’s take a look at a few reasons your puppy might be nipping!

Dogs often nip when they feel playful

It’s natural for domestic dogs to use their mouths when they play with other pets or people. If you’ve ever watched a game of “bitey face” take place at a local dog park or Sniffspot playdate, you know exactly what we’re talking about.

This mood can be a great opportunity for you to redirect your puppy’s energy to an appropriate toy.

Nipping can be a way to get attention

Aside from actually initiating a game, biting can be a great way for your dog to get attention, too.

Think about it: You’re relaxing on the couch after a long day of work. If your puppy lies quietly near you on the floor, it’s easy to pass them by. If they start chewing on your clothes or other household objects, though? Of course you’re going to step in!

If you think your puppy wants attention, consider if you’ve met their basic needs—including ample socialization for healthy development. You might provide extra play time or fun training activities to help them feel more fulfilled.

Dogs might nip when experiencing prey drive

Play and prey behavior have many similarities in the canine world. Some dogs absolutely love to chase moving things—like small critters, flirt pole toys, or even just your socks as you do chores about the house—and start showing this instinct at a young age. There’s a good chance your puppy’s nipping could be prey drive related if they’re chasing your feet or loose-hanging clothing. Jerky movements are especially tantalizing!

If your puppy is nipping out of prey drive, redirecting to a game can be a great way to satisfy their innate desire to chase and catch something.

Puppies can get mouthy when overstimulated

Have you ever felt overwhelmed in a chaotic environment and not known what to do with yourself? Many humans resort to fidgeting with our keys or picking at our fingernails—but our dogs use their mouths to expel their extra energy.

Some puppies even get overstimulated simply from being pet too much at one time. (We know, this is a stereotype of cats, too.) If you’ve ever tried to pet a young dog but had them keep going for your fingers, that might be what’s happening.

If you think your puppy is showing mouthy behavior because they're overstimulated, it’s a good idea to give them a break from any commotion and provide a safe chew toy for them to destress. Crate training can be particularly effective here!

An overstimulated, excited small dog shows their teeth as if they are about to nip the hand of their owner holding a treat

Puppies chew when bored

On the flip side of being overstimulated: Puppies also often chew when bored. Think about being left completely to your own devices with pent-up energy. You’d look for something—anything—to do! Young dogs are the same way.

Thoughtful enrichment opportunities can go a long way in preventing boredom (and the associated problem behaviors) in your new family member. You can read more about enrichment in these articles!

Tired dogs can get extra mouthy

Puppies are, in many ways, a bit like human toddlers. Have you ever seen a baby throw a fit because they’re overtired? Your new dog might be nipping and chewing for the same reason! This is why it’s a great idea to enforce some consistent nap times to ensure your growing companion gets all the rest they need. (We know it sounds like a lot, but young puppies need up to 20 hours of sleep a day.)

Your puppy might nip when they’re uncomfortable

Finally, many adult dogs resort to an air snap or nip when they’re feeling uncomfortable—and puppies can do the same thing. Some young dogs might simply be in pain from the teething process and other changes their bodies are going through. Some might be nervous about certain types of handling.

Try to provide safe chews designed for teething and always get in touch with your vet if you’re nervous something isn’t quite right.

Does breed affect how likely dogs are to nip?

In short: Yes. (But stay skeptical of overgeneralizations.)

Be aware of your dog’s breed or breed mix when considering their biting behavior.  While dogs of all breeds can show different behaviors—and dogs of all breeds can make fantastic pets—our ancestors specifically selected some dogs to have a stronger nipping instinct during the domestication process.

This is especially common in herding breeds. Australian Cattle Dogs, for example, are nicknamed “heelers” because they were originally developed to herd cattle by nipping at their feet. This is why professional trainers often don't recommend them to families with young, fast-moving kids (despite the popularity of the adorable Bluey cartoon).

If you own one of these dogs, nipping might need to be managed for their entire life—even after they’ve reached full maturity. There’s nothing wrong with this! Your dog is simply acting on the instincts we bred into them over generations and generations. It would be unfair to expect them to resist the urge completely.

It’s important to provide these types of dogs with appropriate enrichment and outlets (urban herding is a great one) for these instincts will go a long way in making sure they aren’t nipping at you, family members, or even neighborhood children.

Related links:

How to stop your puppy from nipping

Don't worry: We have training tips and lifestyle considerations to save yourself from the shark teeth.

Make sure you’re meeting your dog’s needs

Before you start any training plan, make sure you’re meeting your puppy’s basic needs. This ensures you’re being fair to them. Remember how difficult it can be for a canine to fit into our modern human world. They don’t automatically know what we find acceptable and what we don’t!

Give your pup things to chew on

Your puppy needs to chew. Providing safe, designated options—like rubbery puppy teething toys, natural bully sticks, and more—can keep them from using their teeth on the things they shouldn’t.

Make sure your pup gets enough activity

Puppies are generally bursting with energy. They cycle quickly through periods of chaos and calm, often crashing right where they were just playing a few seconds ago. While young dogs shouldn’t engage in regular strenuous activity—more on that in the below linked articles—you do need to make sure you’re giving them ample opportunities to move their bodies.

Learn more about exercising your dog:

Mange your puppy’s environment to minimize nipping

Once you’ve met your puppy’s basic needs, take some simple steps to manage your environment to help prevent them from unwanted nipping. You can do this by:

  • Setting up a designated crate or pen (you can use a baby gate for this if you want to section off a larger room) as your dog's calm, safe space. Equip it with a few safe chew toys and have them hang out in there when you’re unable to supervise. (You can read more about crate training your puppy in this article.)
  • Keep any valuable objects out of your puppy’s reach. We know it can be annoying at first, but you won’t always have to put your shoes and jackets up high, we promise! Preventing your dog from chewing these things from the get go is just a great way to build healthy habits alongside fulfillment and active training.
  • Pay attention to how you and your family move around your puppy. Dogs are far more motion sensitive than we are. It’s a deeply ingrained instinct to chase things that resemble prey! If you tend to dance your toes around while you cook in the kitchen or flex your fingers while you sit on the couch, your puppy might think it’s an invitation to jump in teeth first.

Stop play or interaction when your dog nips

Stopping your puppy’s play or petting time is especially effective if they’re nipping to ask for attention. This way you don’t give them what they want so their behavior isn’t reinforced. In the dog training world, this is referred to as “negative punishment” in technical operant conditioning terms. (You can learn more about these learning theory terms in our Dog Training 101 article.)

What you’re aiming for is to teach your puppy that biting you isn’t the best way to get your attention—but other behaviors are! Always pair negative punishment with positive reinforcement so you don't leave your young dog feeling confused. Consider teaching your puppy to sit to “say please” and ask for pets instead, or to bring you a tug toy instead of latching onto your hands when they’re feeling rowdy.

Redirect your dog’s nipping behavior

This is the most important skill to improve your puppy’s nipping. Redirect them to a toy! It’s an especially good idea if your puppy is very young—it’s not fair to ask a baby to have very well developed impulse control yet—or if you think they haven’t been getting ample opportunities to play and express their instincts.

(Remember, nipping can be a valid form of communication. It might express an unmet need.)

When you redirect your dog’s biting, you:

  • Show them something that is okay to chew on (like a toy) in place of what they’re trying to chew on (like your heel, the poor old family cat, or whatever else it might be).
  • Refocus their attention completely, like by starting a fun training game (remember to keep things easy while your puppy’s brain grows). This helps them learn alternative behaviors to engage with you.

For best success, we recommend that you:

  • Do not play with your puppy with just your hands. If your puppy tries to bite your fingers or arms to play, immediately grab a toy and play with the toy.
  • Leave toys scattered around the house for this reason. That way there’s a nearby option to redirect your puppy’s attention whenever it’s necessary.
  • Keep everyone in your household on the same page. If you’re all strict about only playing with toys, it can help so much. Nothing is more important than consistent training!

A puppy lies in front of a bunch of toys, which are the perfect way to redirect nipping

What not to do when your dog nips

Punish your puppy

We know nipping is frustrating. It’s hard to be in pain! We’ve all experienced the first few horrible moments after stubbing a toe—and being bitten by a young, sharp-toothed dog can have a similar effect.

As difficult as it can be to control your response, nothing is more important than trying to keep control of your mood. Verbally punishing your puppy by yelling or using physical punishment like pushing them away will not solve your nipping problems. At best, your dog will think it’s a fun game and redouble their efforts. At worst? They’ll become afraid of you and feel unsafe, which sets the stage for behavioral problems down the line. No one wants to live with a companion who doesn’t trust them.

It’s important to meet your puppy’s needs and teach them what to do instead of simply showing them what not to do. Imagine how irritated you’d be if all your boss did was tell you that you were wrong! That's no way to build a strong bond.

Other related links to puppy nipping

You’ll get through the nipping stage

You’re in good company if you’re feeling frustrated with your dog’s nipping behavior. Don’t worry! When in doubt, get in touch with a professional force free trainer to help you develop an individualized training plan for your dog.

Trainer Review of this Article

There is so much misinformation out there, we want to make sure we only provide the highest quality information to our community. We have all of our articles reviewed by qualified, positive-only trainers.  

This is the trainer that reviewed this article:

Kelly Hayden, CBCC-KA
Owner & Lead Trainer - Ardent Dog - Certified Separation Anxiety Professional Trainer

Haley Young photo

Haley Young

June 29, 2024

Dog Training

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