All Dog Rescue is an all-volunteer, foster-based rescue group. We work with local shelters, city governments, tribal partners and owner surrenders. All the dogs in our program live in a foster home until they are adopted. Our dogs are fully vetted and spayed/neutered prior to adoption. We commit to our dogs for their lifetime and we will always take our dogs back.
Mission and Vision
All Dog Rescue is dedicated to finding life-long homes for rescued dogs. We accept dogs from shelters and relinquishing owners, thoroughly evaluate them in volunteer foster homes, and then help families select the right dog for their home. As part of our commitment to our animals and the public, we will always take our dogs back if the adoption is not successful. To encourage responsible pet ownership and reduce pet over-population, every dog and puppy is spayed or neutered and provided with routine veterinary care prior to adoption.
Adoption Policy
We do careful screening of our applicants in order to ensure the best possible fit for both the dog and the adoptive home. We want happy dogs and happy guardians, and our goal is to find lifelong homes for our dogs. We limit adoptions to within 60 miles of the metro area and reserve the right to decline an adoption if we do not feel the dog is a right fit for a particular home.
See all testimonials"On a very snowy December evening In 2010 an unexpected little furry gift from my Sister and family showed up at my door... It was love the moment Stuart Little was placed in my arms. I couldn't believe this tiny rescued Dachshund was mine....he was at my side for 13 years🐾. Thanks to Tommy Alan Goodwin and All Dog Rescue."
— laura m.
"We adopted our pup, Stella, from All Dog Rescue in 2021. I was very impressed by the level of care Stella and her 9 siblings received. All Dog and friends bottle fed all 10 pups after Mom stopped feeding them. They found wonderful, loving homes for all the pups, including one pup with a disability. They were wonderful to work with, making the adoption process very easy. They are truly a wonderful group of people and an amazing organization. I am so thankful and grateful for All Dog Rescue for bringing Stella into our lives!"
— sarah k.
"I had a difficult yet adorable husky that i needed to rehome. I had been looking for a suitable new home for months without success. Kathryn at alldogmn was so caring and compassionate and found a perfect new home for him. She is very thorough and careful. I dont know what i would have done without her."
— lisa w.
Supporter, Fan
"I was a volunteer with All Dog Rescue for several years. I liked that ADR gave the fosters final say in new adoptees. It’s the foster than knows the dog better than anyone. Whenever I would pick up a new round of puppies (I fostered mainly groups of puppies) I would get all the food, pee pads, medications, etc that I needed. They were also very supportive and would go out of their way to make sure the dogs had all the care and training they needed.
I am also a foster failure. I was fostering a three year old golden lab that had been severely neglected and abused. I needed to keep him long enough to gain some much needed weight and work on his fear issues. Monty was so sweet and loving that we couldn’t let him go. My husband and I are good with troubled dogs. We were patient and ADR let us know they were there for us. Many years passed with lots of adventures for Monty and our other dogs Gracie and Phoebe. When the pandemic hit poor Gracie died of a ruptured tumor. Monty was heartbroken and depressed, as was I.
I reached out to various dog rescues looking for a friend for Monty and a salve for my broken heart. ADR contacted me saying they had a Maltese that had been neglected and abused and would I consider adopting him. Of course I would! Inigo came to us when he was two and Monty was 13. Inigo had been locked in a crate in a basement for his entire life. He didn’t know what a toy was, had never seen snow or rain and was terrified of car rides. Monty was the calm influence Inigo needed. They slept together and eventually played together. Inigo slowly came out of his shell. Sadly Monty passed away a year later at the age 14. We still have Inigo and have since adopted another dog Mija.
I volunteered with other rescues in the past who just wanted to get the dogs adopted and if the fit wasn’t quite right well, it was good enough. ADR is awesome because they put the dog first. The perfect person/family is always found."
— mary m.
Adoptee, Volunteer / foster
"Our last 3 dogs came from All Dog, and all are wonderful companions full of personality. All Dog Rescue is an all-foster organization, which gives the staff time to get to know the pups so they can be matched to the right people. All of the dogs I adopted from them even came house trained! Any bad habits they have now are all on me. I like that they get dogs from Reservations in Minnesota and the Dakotas where people struggle to care for their pets, and give them the opportunity to live their best pampered doggie lives. Res dogs rock, and so does All Dog. I'm looking forward to being able to foster for them once I retire, to give something back for all they've done for me."
— wendy h.
Adoptee, Supporter
"There is so much Love, Every which way. It's incredible and Amazing what ER / MN. do ,to make sure that everything turns out OK. for all the Fur babies ."
— carol l.
"All Dog Rescue has been so rewarding to work with. They do so much to help the rescue dogs recover from their past lives. I am proud to volunteer with All Dog Rescue."
— laura l.
Volunteer / foster
"I have only been fostering since this last November, but it has been both a rewarding and humbling experience. I am so grateful to be able to foster for All Dogs of MN and it is so heart warming to see the continued kindness of those in the rescue and our community."
— briana c.
Volunteer / foster
"I have fostered well over 100 dogs over the many years of fostering. The volunteers of AllDog are so extremely genuine, generous & caring. Friendships grow through organizations like this"
— sandy t.
Volunteer / foster
"All Dog Rescue is a kind, conscientious rescue. The dogs that come through rescue are treated with the utmost kindness and consideration. The volunteers within the rescue are consistently treated with respect and abundant support. It's a joy to me to be a part of their work."
— merry s.
Volunteer / foster, Supporter

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David Adams is a man of many passions, but his love for dogs stands above all. He is not only a dog lover, but also the founder of an innovative platform called Sniffspot. This unique platform connects dog owners with private property owners who are willing to rent out their space for off-leash playtime. While the idea of Sniffspot was initially conceived by his wife, Rebecca, David has been the driving force behind its remarkable success, tirelessly overseeing its growth and development.
David's dedication to providing safe and enjoyable spaces for dogs to play, explore, and socialize is evident in his unwavering commitment to Sniffspot. He strongly believes that dogs need ample space and opportunities to stretch their legs and have fun. As a result, he has worked tirelessly to build a network of private property owners across the country who share his vision and are willing to offer their space for the benefit of dogs and their owners.
Despite his busy schedule, David always finds time to indulge in his passion for the great outdoors. He loves nothing more than exploring new hiking trails and embarking on thrilling outdoor adventures. Whenever he is not working on Sniffspot, he can often be found hiking or visiting multi-acre fenced sniffspots with his two beloved dogs, Soba and Toshii. He is an avid outdoorsman who enjoys the fresh air, breathtaking scenery, and the sense of freedom that comes with being in nature.
David is based in Salem, MA.
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