Dog Park at Quail Run Park
As you enjoy Mesa's many and diverse parks, please respect the rights of others, and comply with all park regulations.
List of Parks and Facilities
Mesa City Code
Mesa Traffic and Parking Regulations
City of Mesa Park Rangers have the authority to issue parking citations, verbal warnings, written warnings, or criminal citations for city code violations in the City of Mesa, including but not limited to: parks, retention basins, sports complexes (baseball, soccer, softball, etc.), tennis centers, pools, libraries, developed and undeveloped city property, bike or multi-use paths, recreation centers, MLB spring training facilities and Mesa Cemetery. Additionally, Mesa Park Rangers have the same authority on special event areas such as city sponsored events. Additionally, Park Rangers do educational programs such as finishing clinics with Arizona Game and Fish, original programming like scorpion hunts, nature and wildlife education, special events with schools within Mesa Public Schools and Gilbert Public Schools.
Citations that are issued by the Mesa Park Rangers are filed with Mesa Municipal Court. Parking tickets are civil issues, through courtroom 101 (traffic division.) Criminal cases are handled through the municipal court and city prosecutor’s office. As defined by Arizona Revised Statute 13-707 , criminal cases are punishable upon conviction by up to a $2,500.00 fine, and/or 6 months in county jail for violations of park ordinances, which are class 1 misdemeanors. For information on a civil traffic or parking ticket, or a criminal complaint, you can find your case by clicking here 24/7, or calling (480) 644-2255 , Monday – Thursday 7:00 a.m.– 6 :00 p.m. Mesa City Code ordnances can be viewed by clicking on the link to the Mesa City Code above and reference the MCC (Mesa City Code) section number shown at the end of the paraphrased park rules on this page.
Please also note that per Mesa City Code, Park Rangers can confiscate and dispose of any materials, belongings or property that is abandoned for, or that the owner is not present for at any time. Additionally, also per Mesa City Code, Park Rangers can confiscate items used in the commission of a violation of Mesa City Code and/or Arizona Revised Statutes, to not be returned to a rightful owner until the completion of a criminal case, and by order of the presiding judge.
While we partner with Mesa Police Department and Mesa Fire Medical, we are first and foremost partners with our communities in and around all our city park facilities. Most of the Park Rangers are not only city employees, but residents as well, creating ownership within our parks. We cannot do this alone! We need your tips, information, and help!
For information, or to report a violation of park rules or regulations, or suspicious or inappropriate activity:
",Phone:," (480) 644-3171
Please remember, that while we welcome you to visit and enjoy all of the amenities and attractions in all of the Mesa parks & basins, pools, sports complexes and recreation centers, it is unlawful to conduct any of the following activities in any of the City of Mesa Parks & Recreation facilities:
Enter or remain in parks, retention basins or recreation facilities beyond designated operating hours, except for cases where a special permit is issued by the department. (MCC 6-10-2A)
Enter, remain, or refuse to leave any park, retention basin or recreational facility after ejection. (MCC 6-10-8)
Enter or remain in any area closed, either closed permanently, temporarily or by event permit use, without permission or permit. (MCC 6-10-2B)
Alcohol/Spirituous Liquor:
Possessing or consuming spirituous liquor, beer or wine, except when a proper beer or wine permit has been secured from the City (MCC 6-10-6). Information about alcohol permits.",Animals:,"
Dogs at large (on or off leash, not in owner control) or not properly restrained on a manual leash no greater than 6’ and under the physical control of its owner. This includes walking into or out of a designated dog park, where the dog is outside of the double fenced safety and security area.
For sanitary purposes, animals are not allowed in any Mesa playground including playground equipment or in the sand or wood chips.
Harm, release or remove animal or wildlife. (MCC 6-10-3P)
Riding horses or bringing equestrian animals onto park, recreation, or commercial facility grounds except on designated bridal paths, trails or other equestrian areas. At this time, the east side of Red Mountain Park is the only park with designated bridal paths or permitted for equestrian use. (MCC 6-10-3I)
Animals other than dogs are not permitted in any park retention Basin or recreation facility without permission or permit. (MCC 6-10-3K)
Please Note: At this time, electronic or remote-control leashes or restraints are not recognized or authorized by the city. ALL dogs must be restrained on a physical leash and remain in the owners’ physical control at all times within a City of Mesa Parks & Recreation Facility. Additionally, owners MUST immediately remove a dog exhibiting aggressive behavior, and clean up pet waste at all time .(MCC 6-10-3J or MCC 6-4-7)
Smoking or vaping under picnic ramadas (MCC 6-11-4) (Ordinance 5546)
Smoking and Vaping Regulations
Start or sustain a fire, outside of designated areas (fire pits and BBQ grills) OR burn materials other than charcoal (including propane) in fire pits or designated BBQ grills. (MCC 6-10-3Q)
General Order & Rules of Conduct:
Disturb or interfere with any persons or park activities. (MCC 6-10-3S)
Interfere with any police officer, park ranger or park staff in the performance of their duties, or enforcement of park rules and/or city code. Examples of interfering are, but not limited to providing false or misleading information, destruction of evidence, failure to follow a lawful objective issued by park staff, intervening in incidents that do not concern or apply to them. (MCC 6-10-3V)
Aid, counsel, conspire, agree to aid, or attempt to aid another person or persons in planning or engaging in the commission of any offense of Title 6 of the Mesa City Code or Arizona Revised Statute. (MCC 6-1-1A)
Use of a shopping cart to transport, contain or store personal property inside a city park facility (ARS 44-1799.32)
Use of any property of the City for, but not limited to: living accommodations, sleeping activities, making preparations to sleep, including the laying down of bedding for the purpose of sleeping, or storing personal belongings, or making any fire, or using any tents or shelter or other structure. (MCC 6-10-5B)
Ice blocking or water sliding in any park facility. (MCC 6-10-R)
Loud, unnecessary or unusual noise that is excessive, disruptive, and/or annoying noises. (MCC 6-12-2A)
Hitting, driving, chipping, or putting of golf balls or similar activity. (MCC 6-10-3F)
Use of a sling shot; BB, pellet, or paint ball gun; javelin; shot-put; discus; fireworks; rockets; hot air balloons; or hard-material types of jousting, fencing, or archery equipment. (MCC 6-10-3U)
Disfigure, vandalize or remove park improvements (6-10-3N) or natural resources. (6-10-3O)
Advertising (MCC 6-10-4A) or soliciting (MCC 6-10-4B) goods or services in or adjacent to any city park facility.",Littering/Trash/Pollution:,"
Discarding litter or trash in any city park, other than a proper trash or recycle collection container. (MCC 6-10-3B)
Remove, collect, or disturb solid waste or trash that is disposed of in a solid waste container, set out for purposes of collection for recycling or disposal by the City. (MCC 8-3-10A)
Remove, collect, or disturb recyclable materials in a designated recycling container, set out for purposes of collection for recycling or disposal by the City. (MCC 8-3-10B)
Throwing or discarding any object or substance into any fountain, pond, splash pad, lake, stream, swimming pool, or other body of water in or adjacent to any park, retention basin or recreational facility. (MCC 6-10-3A)
Possessing any glass containers. (MCC 6-10-3M)
Metal Detecting in the parks:
No digging or detecting in open sports fields, like outfields of baseball or softball fields.
No digging or detecting in landscaped areas with ground cover such as crushed granite.
No digging or detecting on or in pathways, trails, bike paths, etc.
Use of hand tools only.
Any material that is displaced my be immediately covered and compressed back down to grade level.
Motorized & Non-Motorized Vehicles:
Using any wind craft, raft, boats or any other type of watercraft. (MCC 6-10-3E)
Driving motorized vehicles in the park or non-designated areas. (MCC 6-10-3G)
Repair, clean or maintain vehicles. (6-10-3J)
Use of skateboards, rollerblades, roller skates, bicycles, uni-wheel style boards, or any type of rolling vehicle on any brickwork, ornamental surface, picnic table, bench, tennis or basketball or volleyball court, playground, equipment, surface used for ADA access, fountain area, planter, landscape, multi-use path, trails, or sculptures. (MCC 6-10-3H)
Please note: A pedestrian who is operating a human-powered device or vehicle, i.e., bicyclists and skaters, upon a multi-use path shall yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian walking, jogging, running, or in a wheelchair or similar mobility device on the multi-use path. A pedestrian operating a bicycle on a multi-use path shall yield the right-of-way to skaters. (MCC 6-10-7C)
Urinate or defecate in any park, retention basin or recreational facility outside of designated sanitary facilities. (MCC 6-10-3C)
Expectorate (spitting) on any of the sidewalks or grounds of any park, retention basin or recreational facility. (MCC 6-1-4)
Swim, bathe, or wade in any waters or waterways of any public restroom, lake, pond, or fountain. (MCC 6-10-3D)
Please Note:
ALL parking codes within the Title 6 of the Mesa City code are enforced on all parks, recreation and commercial facilities properties accordingly.
Per MCC 6-10-9 (C), the Parks, Recreation & Community Facilities Department Director or designee, Park Rangers, and/or Police Officers shall have the authority to seize and confiscate any property, thing, or device in the park and recreation facility, special event area, or retention basin used in the act of a violation of any of the city code ordinances.
Park Rangers have the authority to collect and dispose of abandoned property or property that a rightful owner cannot be found or identified within the city parks, & recreation facilities.
A pedestrian who is operating a human-powered device or vehicle, i.e., bicyclists and skaters, upon a multi-use path shall yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian walking, jogging, running, or in a wheelchair or similar mobility device on the multi-use path. A pedestrian operating a bicycle on a multi-use path shall yield the right-of-way to skaters. (MCC 6-10-7C)",Slacklining:,"
Slacklining is allowed in Mesa’s parks, under several conditions:
Lines can only be connected between trees, not to signs, poles, fencing, playground equipment, or any park structure.
Trees must be mature enough to be able to handle the weight easily.
Tree trunks must be protected with padding, blankets, or carpet placed between the tree and anchor line.
Trees may not be damaged in any way; no cutting of branches, no use of screws or nails, and trees may not be climbed to anchor.
Slacklines may not be left unattended, and it is recommended that slacklines be identified with flagging or cones.
Lines should not be any higher than 30 inches above the ground.
Lines may not obstruct vehicle or foot traffic in the park, and cannot block sidewalks, driveways, trails, paths, or parking areas.
Lines should be kept away from ramadas, playgrounds, or any areas that have high participation use.
Slacklines may be prohibited if other park patron use is negatively impacted, it interferes with park maintenance, or it is causing damage to trees, property, or other vegetation.
Remote Controlled Devices and Other Vehicles:
The operation of remote-controlled vehicles on the ground and/or on any body of water located within City parks is prohibited.
The operation of model rockets or any other device powered by an internal combustion mechanism is prohibited.
The operation of drones, helicopters, airplanes, or any other remote-controlled device is prohibited, except in the following non-exclusive designated areas:
Basin 114 (drones, helicopters, and other rotor-powered aircraft only)
Basin 115 and Basin 116 (electric-powered fixed wing aircraft and gliders only)
All designated areas are available for non-exclusive drop-in use on a first-come, first-served basis only. No reservations.
All industry safety rules and regulatory requirements must be followed, such as from Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) or Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) or similar organization.
All operators must pilot their crafts from the bottom of the retention basin.
Spectators must remain outside the designated flight areas and cannot impede sidewalks or pedestrian pathways.
Park hours: The dog park is closed on Thursdays and daily from 12:00-1:00 pm for maintenance.