Rover Run
Dogs must be and remain on a leash that
does not exceed six feet in length and
held by owner at all times. There are
NO off-leash areas in any Collier County
Park, except for Rover Run at Veteran’s
Community Park and Paws Park at Golden
Gate Community Park.
Dogs are not permitted on playground or play
areas, ball-fields, tennis or handball courts,
dugouts, restrooms, lakes, swimming pools
or facilities, food serving areas, skateboard or
BMX areas, basketball courts, community cen- ters, sensitive wildlife areas, beaches or any
area where dogs are expressly prohibited via
Dog owners must not allow any dog to hunt,
pursue or harass other animals or wildlife.
Dog owners must not tie or hitch their dog to
any vegetation or structure in the park.
Vicious or dangerous dogs will not be
permitted at Collier County park facilities.
Dog owners and individuals
accompanying dogs at Collier County park
facilities are required to clean up dog waste.
Bags and receptacles are provided.
Dogs may not be left unattended in vehicles
at any time.
Service dogs and animals are permit- ted at all Collier County parks and facili- ties. Please note that Emotional Support
Animals, Comfort Animals, and Therapy
Dogs are not Service Animals under Titles I
and II of The American With Disabilities Act.
Failure to promptly remove any dogs from
parks after being ordered by authorized
department personnel will result in a citation
and fine.
Violation of the Collier County Parks
Ordinance, Section 98-58(a)13(b)(2), is
subject to citation and fine of not less than
fifty dollars per violation.
Small dog friendly
Dog drinking water
Dog washing area