Connie Nott Canine Area
The Park Division is responsible for maintaining thirty-six parks, their buildings, pools, restrooms, grounds and waterways. The Division hosts over forty special events each year throughout the park system and also removes snow from park roads, city streets, and parking lots. Lake Storey Recreational Area, a premier regional park, along with adjacent Bunker Links golf course is the total recreation destination.
Loitering at certain hours
No person shall frequent, loiter, be or remain in a park when the park is closed, except by prior consent of duly authorized City personnel.
Lake Storey Park, Lincoln Park, and Colton Park are closed between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 4:00 a.m.
All other parks, not listed above, are closed from sunset to sunrise, with the exception of when ballfield, basketball court or tennis court lights are on; in which case the park closes when the lights are shut off.
Firearms or other weapons
No person shall carry, use, fire or discharge any firearm or other weapon causing a projectile of any sort to travel through the air on any public park.
No person shall keep, possess, sell, offer for sale, give, trade, deliver or consume any liquor in any public park. The minimum fine to be imposed upon a person convicted of violating this section is $75.
Drug Free Zone
Criminal penalties are severely increased for the possession, use and sale of drugs in any public park.
Domestic Animals
No dog shall be brought into or allowed to remain in any public park unless it is restrained by suitable leash. No dog shall be allowed on any bathing beach in any public park. No dog shall be allowed to enter any wading pool in any public park. Dogs may be prohibited from parks during times when attendance at park is heavy (i.e. holidays or festivals).
Commercial Activities
No person shall offer or expose any article or service for sale or rent in any public park unless such person, firm or corporation has a valid contract, approved by the City Council, authorizing specific sales or services which may be offered.
Multipurpose Trail
The multipurpose trail is intended to be used for purposes of hiking, jogging, bicycling and snowmobiling.
No person shall operate any motor vehicle whatsoever upon or over the multipurpose trail; provided, however, that snowmobiles may be operated on the trail in accordance with other applicable ordinances.
No snowmobile shall be operated in any place in any park except at the snowmobile course or trail designated and marked at Lake Storey Park.
Snowmobiles shall be operated only on those days deemed by the superintendent of parks to be suitable for snowmobiling without damage to the park grounds, including grass, trees and shrubbery, such days to include by way of illustration but not of limitation those when snow covers the ground to a depth of not less than two inches and the temperature is not higher than 25 degrees Fahrenheit above zero. Snowmobiles shall only be used on the course or trail provided at Lake Storey Park, and only between the hours of 10 a.m. and 10 p.m.
(a) No person shall swim in Lake Storey outside or beyond the swimming area, such area being identified by markers provided for that purpose.
No person shall fish in Lake Storey within 200 feet of the dam or spillway located at the westerly end of Lake Storey.
No person shall fish from any swimming beach provided at Lake Storey, nor from any raft or other floating object provided for swimmers in Storey Park.
No person shall fish in Lake Storey with more than two poles.
No person shall fish in Lake Storey with more than two hooks on a pole, and no person shall fish with the use of multiple-hook devices (trotlines, bank poles and juglines). Bow fishing for carp is allowed.
Catch limits:
Muskellunge -- 1 fish daily limit with a minimum length of 42 inches;
Walleye -- 3 fish daily limit with a minimum length of 14 inches;
Largemouth and/or smallmouth bass -- 6 fish daily limit in aggregate with only 1 fish over 15 inches and/or 5 fish under 12 inches. All bass between 12 inches and 15 inches must be immediately returned to the lake.
Catfish (all species) -- 6 fish daily limit in aggregate. No size limit.
Bluegill and/or sunfish -- 25 fish daily limit in aggregate. No size limit.
Black and/or white crappie -- No daily limit and no size limit.
No boat, canoe or other craft propelled in any manner whatsoever other than by oars, canoe paddles or sails shall be allowed upon any body of water within Lake Storey or Lincoln Park; provided, that an electric motor can be used on a boat for trolling by individuals for their own use so long as such motor does not exceed two horsepower electric motor on Lake Storey and does not propel the boat at a speed to exceed five miles per hour. This subsection does not prohibit City employees, the Lake Storey concessionaire or State Conversation Agency employees from operating a motorboat on Lake Storey while engaged in official duties.
Park hours: Monday - Friday
8:30AM - 5:00PM
Small dog friendly
Dog drinking water
Indoor restroom available