Bark Park
Bark Park hours are sunrise to sunset daily, unless closed for maintenance or weather.
Children less than 42 inches tall are not allowed in the off-leash area.
Children 11 years old and under must be accompanied by an adult, who agrees to be solely responsible for the child's proper behavior and safety.
Park users and dog owners assume all risk related to the off-leash area and within the dog park.
Dog owners are liable for damage or injury inflicted by their dogs.
All other general park rules and City Ordinances must be obeyed.
Spike or pinch collars are not allowed in the park.
Owners must stay within the off-leash area with their dogs and within view and under voice control of their dogs at all times.
Puppies under six months are not allowed at the dog park.
The small dog area is designated for dogs weighing less than 30 pounds.
The large dog area is designated for dogs weighing 30 pounds or more.
Visitors to the park must observe a limit of two dogs per person per visit.
Female dogs in season are not allowed in the dog park.
All dogs must be kept on a leash until inside the double-gated entry. Dogs may be unleashed once they are inside the off-leash area.
Owners must immediately clean up and properly dispose of any waste left by their dogs.
By bringing a dog into the park, the owner certifies that their dog(s) have been properly inoculated (free of contagious conditions, diseases, parasites, etc.).
All dogs must be licensed with the City of Bedford Animal Control or their city of residence and must display a city-issued tag.
No food for humans or dogs (including dog treats) is allowed within the dog park.
Owners must stop their dog from digging and must fill any holes caused by their dog.
No wading pools are allowed.
Strollers, carriages, bicycles, skate boards, scooters, skates, roller blades, sport activities, or motorized vehicles (unless used for an assistance device) are not allowed inside the off-leash area.
Professional trainers may not use the Bedford dog park to conduct business.
Dogs showing aggression toward people or other animals must be removed immediately.
No animals other than dogs are allowed in the off-leash area.
If a dog bite to a human or other animal should occur, it must be reported to the Bedford Animal Control at 817-952-2191. If after normal business hours contact the Bedford Police Department Dispatch at 817-952-2127.
Owners release and discharge the City of Bedford from liability for any injury or damage caused to or by pets during any time while using the park.
Violators of the dog park rules and/or city ordinances may be subject to removal from the park and suspension of their park privileges.
Park hours: Daily, Sunrise to Sunset
closed for maintainance each Wednesday from 7:00 AM - 12:00 PM.
Small dog friendly
Agility equipment
Dog drinking water