Dog Park at Sugg Farm
Important Park Information
o Dogs must meet all guidelines below and maintian current vaccinations for rabies and distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parainfluenza, and parvovirus (DHLPP). Current rabies vaccination tag must be worn on dog collars when at the dog park.
o Spiked collars are prohibited.
o Large dog area is for dogs > 30 pounds and small dog park is for small breeds, < 30 pounds.
o No children under the age of 12 are permitted in the dog park. Spectators should remain outside the fenced area.
o Shoes must be worn at all times.
o Dogs that are sick, aggressive, in-heat, without current vaccination displayed or too young for rabies vaccinations (less than four months old) are not allowed. If your dog shows signs of aggressive behavior, you must remove the dog from the park premises immediately.
o No animals other than dogs may be brought into the fenced area. Dog owners must remain in the fenced area while their dogs are using the dog park.
o Maximum of two dogs per adult at a time in the park. All dogs must be leashed until safely inside the dog park and returned to a leash prior to exiting.
o Owners must be in view of their dogs and have voice control at all times. Owners are responsible for all injuries or damage caused by their dog and are fully responsible for their dog’s actions.
o Smoking and vaping are strictly prohibited.
o Pick up dog waste. Owners must dispose of waste properly in designated receptacles.
o Personal dog toys are prohibited. No animal or people food including treats or bones are allowed.
o No littering; wrappers and other trash that can be eaten by dogs and cause a choking hazard.
o No strollers, bicycles, big-wheels, wagons, roller blades, etc. are allowed in the dog park. Wheelchairs are welcome.
o Owners who fail to abide by the rules and regulations are subject to loss of park access.
o Use at your own risk.
Ord. No. 01-05, § 8-2012, 2-20-2001) SEC. 12-72 requires all dog bites to be reported to the Holly Springs Police Department, Animal Control at (919) 557-9111 as soon as possible, but not less than 24 hours after the occurrence. In case of emergency, call 911.
Park hours: 7 a.m.-Sunset