Mans Best Field Dog Park
No person shall possess a glass container while in the off-leash area.
No person shall possess or use tobacco products in the off-leash area.
No person shall possess or consume alcoholic beverages within the off-leash area.
No person shall use motorized vehicles, skateboards, scooters, bicycles, skates, strollers, wading pools, or conduct or participate in other sports activities within the off-leash area. Wheelchairs are allowed.
Areas posted as Small Dog Areas are designated for dogs under 40 pounds only. Small dogs may play in the Large Dog Areas at their own risk, but it is not recommended.
No person shall conduct professional dog training classes/business, charity activities or fundraisers or any organized group functions within the off-leash area.
Dog bites to humans must be reported. Please call Animal Care & Control at 817-276-4799 or Mansfield Police at 817-473-0211. For emergencies, call 9-1-1.
All other general park rules and City ordinances must be obeyed. People who violate the dog park rules are subject to removal from the off-leash area and may be prohibited from future use of the off-leash area.
Code of ordinances, City of Mansfield, Texas, Chapter 96, Parks and Recreation and Chapter 90, Animal Control. For additional information, call (817) 473-1943.
Use of an off-leash area by any dog or person constitutes:
implied consent of the owner, harborer, or person having care, custody, or control of the dog to comply with all conditions and regulations stated in this chapter or promulgated by the park board or director and posted at the off-leash area;
assumption of the risk of injury or damage caused by any dog; and
a waiver of liability to the City by the owner, harborer, or person having care, custody, or control of the dog, and an agreement and undertaking to protect, indemnify, defend, and hold the City harmless, for any injury or damage caused by the dog during any time that the dog is in the off-leash area.
No person may bring into an off-leash area:
animals other than dogs
a dog which is a dangerous animal as defined by city code or animal control;
a female dog in heat;
more than three dogs at one time;
a dog that is not wearing tags showing that it is currently licensed by the City of Mansfield and has current rabies vaccination
puppies under four months of age;
a sick, injured or diseased dog;
a dog that the owner has reason to know has dangerous propensities.
dog toys, treats or food (human or dog)
Any person who brings a dog into an off-leash area shall:
carry materials and implements for removing and disposing of dog excreta and remove all excreta deposited by the dog in the off-leash area
lead the dog on a leash and retain the dog in custody when entering and exiting an off-leash area (parking lot to paddock)
remove dog’s leash, spiked collar, or pinch collar upon entering the off-leash area
keep a leash visible for each dog at all times.
remain within the off-leash area with their dog(s) and be in visual and verbal control of their dog(s) at all times while in the off-leash area.
stop dog from digging and repair any damage done by their dog (i.e. holes dug by their dog).
remove the dog from the off-leash area at the first sign of aggression by the dog.
Dogs must be properly licensed and vaccinated with corresponding tags displayed on each dog’s collar.
By bringing a dog into the off-leash area, the owner certifies that their dog(s) have been properly inoculated (free of contagious conditions, diseases, parasites, etc.).
Children under the age of 12 years are prohibited from entering the off-leash area
Children between the ages 12-16 years old must be accompanied by an adult, who agrees to be solely responsible for the child’s proper behavior and safety
No person under 16 years of age shall be permitted to bring a dog into an off-leash area.
No person shall allow a child under their supervision to run with or chase dogs inside the off-leash area.
Park hours: dawn until dusk
Small dog friendly