Dog behavior is a fascinating, complicated, and often confusing field. You’re not alone if you’ve ever caught yourself wondering “why on earth does my dog do this?” or “what could my puppy mean by that?” or (let's be real) "please, how do I get them to stop?"
We're here to help!
Many articles here on the Sniffspot blog are devoted to helping pet parents better understand their canine companions. The goal of the below post is to:
- Highlight some common dog behaviors (and behavioral problems)
- Summarize what these canine actions might mean in your dog's world
- Help you decide whether or not you have an issue on your hands
- Provide a few resources to get started addressing certain behaviors
Let's dive in!
Part one: Domestic dog vocalizations
Dogs don’t speak a symbolic verbal language like we humans do—but they do still communicate with us in many ways. While body language usually comes first in a canine conversation, various sounds serve different communication purposes too.
Barking: What does it mean when your dog barks?
Everyone knows dogs bark. What isn’t so well understood is exactly why our canine companions make their various woofs and ruffs, how much barking is normal, and what you can do if you think your pet is using their voice a little too much.
Dog barks can mean a variety of different things depending on pitch, duration, frequency, and context. A dog may bark for many reasons: to warn us (this was one of the first reasons our human ancestors domesticated dogs), tell us they're excited, invite play, communicate fear, protect their perceived territory, and more.
Dog barking pitch
Low-pitched sounds typically indicate threats or the possibility of aggression. Think of a dog’s deep growl.
Conversely, higher sounds (like a puppy's soft whimper) often mean "I am no threat". These vocalizations can also suggest surprise, fear, or pain—like if your furry friend yelps when you accidentally step on their paw.
Dog barking duration
The longer the sound, “the more likely that the dog is making a conscious decision about the nature of the signal and his next behaviors” says to Dr. Stanley Coren, author of How to Speak Dog: Mastering the Art of Dog-Human Communication. What does he mean by this? A dog who barks for an extended period of time—like multiple drawn-out woofs in a row—is probably aware of what they are doing, rather than acting out of subconscious instinct or surprise.
Dog barking frequency
If a dog repeats their bark frequently—especially at a fast rate—the sound suggests a high degree of excitement or urgency. (For example, a dog who fears the mail carrier will likely stand at the window barking repeatedly when the mail carrier arrives.)
Conversely, barks that are more spaced out, or not repeated at all, indicate lower levels of excitement.
What to do about your dog’s barking
You can learn more about your dog’s barking here! We cover more details about why your dog barks—and dive into ways you can keep excessive vocalizations from becoming a problem. It's not fair to ask our canine companions to be completely silent, but even the biggest barkers can learn to quiet down in the right moments.

Whining: What is your dog trying to say with their cries?
Whining is a normal dog behavior. It’s most commonly seen in young canines—but because domestic dogs are neotenized compared to their wolf ancestors (a fancy word to say they retain juvenile traits into adulthood) it’s normal for our pets of all ages to whine on occasion.
There are many things your dog might be trying to communicate when they whine! Our four-legged friends might cry:
- in greeting
- out of excitement
- as an appeasement behavior
- for attention
- to express an unmet need
- to ask for something they want
- when they’re anxious (especially if left alone)
What to do about your dog’s whining
You can learn more about your dog’s whining here. We break down everything you need to know about your dog’s cries.
Growling: Why do dogs growl?
Just like barking and whining, your dog’s growls can communicate a range of different things. It's perfectly normal for your dog to growl on occasion! Healthy behavior depends on the situation and context at hand.
A growl often means your companion feels uncomfortable and is trying to let you know right away—before escalating to more extreme aggression displays like lunging, air snapping, or actually biting.

What to do about your dog’s growling
You can learn more about your dog’s growling here. Some of the most common causes of canine grumbles include play growling, growling due to physical pain, resource guarding, and fear.
Part two: Domestic dogs use their mouths to communicate
From biting to yawning to "smiling" and panting, taking a close look at your pup's mouth can help you understand how they're feeling.
Nipping: Why is your dog mouthy?
Young puppies—and even adult dogs—naturally explore the world through their mouths. Think of your dog’s snout similar to how you think of your own hands. If man’s best friend wants to investigate something new, they have to grab it with their teeth!
What’s more: Dogs have a highly developed sense of smell that might be aided by licking interesting objects. Nipping can also be a sign of overstimulation or high arousal, a need for more rest, or other needs not being met.
Know that nipping is normal. It does not mean your dog is aggressive. It does not mean your pup has problems with people. It does not mean you’re doing a bad job as a pet parent! It’s a typical part of owning a young dog—and you’re in great company.
What to do about your dog’s nipping
You can learn more about dog nipping and mouthing in this article. We talk about everything you need to know to understand your dog’s nipping. When is puppy biting normal? What causes the constant nibbling? And how can you prevent it from becoming a problem?

Panting: Does it always mean your dog is hot?
Like most things on this list, panting is a completely normal canine behavior… that also can indicate an underlying problem depending on the context you see it in. (There's definitely a pattern here.)
Dogs aren’t able to sweat like we humans do. We are able to expel heat from every surface of our body, but they can only cool off through their paw pads—and by panting instead. Our canine companions might also pant when they’re feeling stressed or experiencing physical pain.
How can you tell the difference between a stress pant and a regular pant?
Here are a few things to pay attention to:
- Is the environment warm enough to warrant a natural pant? Has your dog just exercised? If so, it’s likely they’re panting because they’re hot or tired. No cause for concern (so long as they aren’t overtired to the point of heat exhaustion).
- If it’s cool outside, there’s a greater chance your dog’s panting is the result of anxiety or discomfort.
- If your dog keeps closing and reopening their mouth while panting, has a stiff body, is showing the whites of their eyes, frequently scans the environment, or is acting out of character, that’s probably a stress pant.
When in doubt, don’t hesitate to take a video of your dog’s body language to run by your trusted vet or trainer. This can be a great way to get answers to your questions and have a plan for next time your dog seems uncomfortable!

Yawning: What causes your dog to yawn?
Yawning is similar to panting in that it’s a normal behavior in one context (in this case, when your dog is tired) that can also indicate stress in other situations.
Yawning is considered a calming signal, sometimes referred to as a stress signal. We know this talk of "stress signals" can be confusing to pet parents. These cues are natural parts of canine communication used to de-escalate potential conflict.
If your dog is yawning late at night or shortly after waking up? They’re probably just tired.
If they’re yawning frequently while in a new environment or meeting a new dog or person, though? Chances are they’re feeling a little uncomfortable.
What can you do if your dog is stress yawning?
You can help by never forcing your dog to interact with something (remove them from situations that are making them uncomfortable) and providing them opportunities to relieve stress. A few go-to options are to offer to play a favorite game or scatter some treats on the ground for them to sniff out.
Part three: Gross and destructive domestic dog behavior
What's gross to us humans isn't always taboo to our pets. In fact, some of the things we find disgusting—like gnawing on rotten sticks or sniffing out rabbit poop—are totally appetizing to our dogs. Here's the deal.
Chewing: Why does your dog chew up your belongings?
If you’ve noticed that your dog is chewing on things they shouldn’t be, it doesn’t mean that they're being "bad" or "naughty" or intentionally trying to destroy your belongings.
It simply means something else is going on—maybe natural exploration and curiosity, boredom, anxiety, or even pain—that you might need to address.
Dogs might chew because:
- They’re teething. When puppies are 3-4 months old, they start teething. This experience can prompt chewing as they try to alleviate the discomfort of losing their puppy teeth while adult canines poke through their gums. Teething can be a difficult process for both dog and owner! Prepare yourself for a lot of chewing—puppies have very sharp teeth—and be ready to redirect from your hands and furniture to acceptable alternatives like designated chew toys.
- Chewing can relieve stress. If your dog consistently chews in certain specific situations—like when guests come over, there is a thunderstorm, a family member leaves the house, or during a similar stressful event—chances are they’re feeling overwhelmed and looking to soothe themselves with this naturally calming behavior.
- They’re bored. Chewing is something to do!
- They’re suffering from a health or nutritional issue.

What to do about your dog’s chewing
You can learn more about destructive chewing in this article. Before you can start to correct any undesirable behavior with your pup, you first need to understand why dogs chew and what might encourage their chewing on household objects. Our longer guide will help you come up with a game plan.
Digging: Why do dogs love to dig so much?
Dogs dig for various reasons. As always: The meaning of their digging behavior depends on the context and circumstances!
Here are some possible explanations.
Digging is an instinctive canine behavior
Dogs are canines sharing a common ancestor with wolves. Many canids dig dens in which to sleep or birth their litters of puppies. Some dogs may retain this instinct and dig to create a comfortable spot to rest or hide.
(Note: Domestic dogs are not the same as wolves. We do not recommend basing training techniques off of modern wolf behavior! It is worthwhile, though, to look to their canine relatives to help understand some of their natural behaviors. Just keep the appropriate context in mind—and consult with a professional trainer you trust if you're confused.)
Dogs might dig when they’re bored
If a dog is not getting enough exercise or mental stimulation, they may resort to digging as a way to occupy themselves.
Digging into cool dirt can be comfortable when your dog is warm
Digging a hole in the ground can provide a cooler spot for a dog to lie down in hot weather.
Digging might be a sign of anxiety or stress
Dogs may dig as a coping mechanism, or displacement behavior, for anxiety or stress. It can be a way to release nervous energy or to create a feeling of safety or comfort.
Dogs might dig to pursue critters
Some breeds, such as terriers, were originally bred to hunt vermin and may dig in pursuit of small animals.
What to do about your dog’s digging
If you’re concerned that your dog’s digging might indicate an underlying anxiety problem—or if you’re just tired of them ruining your flower beds—it’s a good idea to:
- Take them for a full vet check to rule out medical issues.
- Make sure you’re providing them with adequate fulfillment and exercise.
- Manage the situation so they aren’t able to dig without you there to interrupt the activity.
- Reinforce alternate behaviors—this means you make other activities more enjoyable than digging by rewarding with favorite toys or treats.
- Get in touch with a trainer you trust.
Butt scooting: Why do dogs drag their rears on the ground?
Most dog owners are familiar with the “butt scoot”—a gross yet common behavior where your dog drags their rear across the ground, rubbing it on the carpet (or if you’re unlucky, your bed or clothes).
Butt dragging is often a sign of discomfort or irritation in your dog’s anal area.
Dogs might butt scoot when their anal glands are full
Dogs have two small glands on either side of their anus that produce a scent that is unique to each animal. These glands are usually expressed when your pup uses the bathroom normally—but if they become enlarged, impacted, or infected, scooting can help dogs relieve the discomfort.
Dogs might butt scoot due to intestinal parasites
Some parasites, such as tapeworms, can cause itching around the anus. This is not as common as more simple problems like irritated anal glands. (So don't panic!) Just keep it in mind as a possibility if your dog's behavior is an ongoing problem.
Dogs might butt scoot because of an environmental or food allergy
Dogs can be allergic to a variety of things, including food, pollen, or fleas. Allergies can cause inflammation and itching around the anus that lead to scooting.
What to do about your dog’s butt scooting
If your dog is scooting their butt on the ground, it's important to take them to your trusted vet to determine the underlying cause. Treatment may include expressing their anal glands, prescribing medication for allergies or parasites, or exploring surgery for more severe conditions.

Potty training regression: Why does your dog use the bathroom inside?
No one wants their dog to have accidents inside. But our pets don't come to us knowing where it is and isn't okay to use the bathroom! Potty training struggles are common. Many dog parents report their older puppies regressing to an earlier phase of their house training abilities between four months to one year of age—and elderly dogs often struggle with incontinence, too.
Your dog might have accidents for many reasons
Here are some questions to ask yourself.
- For young dogs: Did you increase your house training criteria too soon?
- For young dogs: Have you been inconsistent with your potty training process?
- For dogs of all ages: Could your pet have a medical issue like a urinary tract infection?
- For dogs of all ages: Has your pet experienced any big life transitions?
- For dogs of all ages: Are your pet’s accidents linked to other behavioral problems like anxiety?
How to address potty training regression and house training struggles
Our potty training guides offer more in-depth information. At a high level, you'll need to: Understand the cause of your companion’s indoor accidents, eliminate the scent of previous messes around your home, and go back to a basic house training process. You'll be on your way to a cleaner house—and happier dog—in no time!
Eating poop: What causes coprophagia in dogs?
The technical terms for eating poop are “coprophagia” or “coprophagy”. Gross as it is, this behavior is not always a cause for concern. Some level of feces fascination is natural in our pets and can usually be easily managed! But poop eating can also be a sign of a larger underlying problem.

It’s normal for puppies to explore the world with their mouths
Coprophagia is a pretty common problem in puppies. They usually grow out of it so long as they have a healthy environment and proper nutrition! What that means for you as a pet parent: If you recently brought your young dog home and they’re trying to eat feces, you don’t need to be too concerned.
It's a good idea to pick up poop right away to prevent the poop eating. Some pups retain this habit for a long time, so preventing it from happening can really help.
Dogs are naturally scavengers
Dogs are scavengers! It’s common for our canine companions to steal food, tear through garbage cans, and chew on plenty of things that we owners find disgusting ourselves.
With proper training and other mental exercise outlets this behavior can be reduced (or even eliminated)—but it’s important to remember that scavenging is a deeply rooted instinct in our dogs. There’s nothing inherently wrong with the tendency. Scavenging is not a disorder in itself. We pet parents just need to manage it properly to keep everyone safe!
Some animal feces has particularly “appetizing” attributes (like taste, texture, and odor) that can override our dogs’ understanding that it’s waste and probably shouldn’t be consumed. Cat feces is a common culprit, as is that of deer, rabbits, or other small herbivores.
What to do if your dog eats poop
You can learn more about coprophagia in dogs in this article. How can you tell if your dog’s interest in feces is normal? Most importantly, how can you stop your poop eater from eating feces? Do you need to enlist a professional dog trainer?
Trainer Review of this Article
There is so much misinformation out there, we want to make sure we only provide the highest quality information to our community. We have all of our articles reviewed by qualified, positive-only trainers.
This is the trainer that reviewed this article:
Alisa Healy, KPA CTP, FDM
Owner and trainer at Dog Forward Training