Sherrill Dog Park
City of Sherrill — Dog Park Rules
• Park users and dog owners assume all risk related to the use of the Dog Park. By entering this Dog Park, you agree to assume all duties and releases of liability as set forth in the City of Sher-rill waiver and release and the COVID Consent Form, both of which must be signed and on file with the City of Sherrill before entering the Dog Park.
• Dog owners/guardians/caregivers must accept full responsibility for themselves, their children/guests, and their own dog(s) while in the park. Owners are legally responsible for any damage, injury, or illness their dog(s) may cause to itself, other dog(s), other people, or yourself.
• Anyone who admits a non-member into the park or who provides a key for non-member(s) to access the park will be banned from the park for a period as determined by the City of Sherrill.
• Owners/guardians/caregivers must always carry a leash. Dogs must be leashed before entering and exiting the Dog Park. Never carry your dog into the Dog Park. Never open more than one gate at a time. if an owner and his/her dog(s) are in the holding area, stand outside and wait for him/her to enter or exit. It is a good idea to introduce your dog to strange dogs while both are on a leash. If an unknown dog enters the park, you may wish to leash your pet until the dogs have a chance to meet.
• All dog park members and staff must wear a face covering when they cannot maintain six (6) feet of social distancing.
• Gate must always remain lacked.
• No more than 15 dogs are permitted in the Dog Park at one time. Please be courteous and limit your time if other dog park members are waiting to use the facility.
• Only dogs. owners, guardians, and caregivers registered on a current and approved City of Sherrill Dog Park Permit Application may enter and use the Dog Park. NO NON-MEMBERS, CATS OR OTHER PETS ARE ALLOWED IN THE DOG PARK.
• No more than two (2) dogs per person allowed at one time.
• Dogs must be licensed and vaccinated, healthy (have no contagious conditions or diseases), and be parasite free.
• No dogs previously adjudicated to be dangerous or have previously bitten or injured a person or other animal shall be allowed to enter the Dog Park. Dogs showing aggression towards people or other animals must be immediately removed from the park by the owners/guardians/caregivers. If you feel that you or any dog with you is in danger, simply leave the park, report the situation, and come back another day.
• Owners/guardians/caregivers should not leave their dogs unattended or allow the dog(s) to go out of sight.
• Children must be accompanied by an adult. Please remember this is a Dog Park and not a playground for children. If your children create problems for owners and their dogs, you may be asked by other participants to leave the Dog Park for safety’s sake. Children should not run with the dogs or chase them while in the park.
• Puppies under four months of age are prohibited, as they are not yet protected from diseases.
• Owners/guardians/caregivers must clean up after their dogs. Waste disposal bags and trash cans are provided free. NO EXCEPTIONS.
• Owners/guardians/caregivers must stop dogs from digging and immediately fill holes.
• Dogs in heat are not allowed inside the park.
• Toys or food can be a source of confrontation between dogs. No toys or food are allowed in the Dog Park. No EXCEPTIONS.
• Park members: NO food or tobacco products (smoking, smokeless, vaping) is allowed within the fenced area of the Dog Park. Marijuana use is not permitted in areas where tobacco/smoking is prohibited.
• Members should bring their own water Bowl/Dish. Glass containers are PROHIBITED in the Dog Park. Do not allow dogs to share water Bowl/Dish.
• Littering is prohibited.
• Alcohol is prohibited.
• Professional dog trainers may not use this facility to conduct their business.
• The fenced Dog Park is for the use and enjoyment of registered dogs and their owners/guardians/caregivers. Recreational use by others is not permitted.
• ONE (1) key will be issued per each successful household permit application. The fee for a replacement key is $10.00. Keys must be returned to the City of Sherrill once there is no longer a current and valid Dog Park Permit, or upon request by the City of Sherrill. Permit holders may not share keys with others and the making of duplicate keys is strictly prohibited and may result in revocation of permit.
Report any problems with the Dog Park facilities 8:00 a.m.-4:00 pm. on Monday through Friday to the City of Sher-rill, 377 Shel-rill Rd. 315-363—2440. For emergencies call 911.
Dogs and their owners creating a disturbance or violating rules must immediately leave the park if requested by law enforcement, City personnel, or designated agents.