How do Howey-in-the-Hills's private small dog parks work?
Private rentals by the hour
Our hosts are locals that are renting their yards and private land to dog owners
Trust and safety first
Spots are designed for safety and both hosts and guests are reviewed after each visit
Designed for private play
Only the people and dogs in your booking are allowed in the spot during your visit
Reactive dogs welcome
Many of the spots we list are designed with sensitive dogs in mind
Become a Sniffpass holder!
Get discounts on all bookings at all spots by buying monthly credits! Learn more!
FAQ about our Howey-in-the-Hills small dog parks
Are small dog parks safe?
While public dog parks have a number of safety issues, such as aggressive dogs, disease transmission and general cleanliness, Sniffspot dog parks are much safer than public dog parks. With Sniffspot all bookings are private for just you and dogs you bring with you and we require all dogs to be vaccinated (or have equivalent titers). All Sniffspot locations are vetted and reviewed by park users so you can find the perfect place for you and your dog. 93% of reviews on Sniffspot visits are 5 stars.
How can I find small dog parks in Howey-in-the-Hills?
There are 188 small dog parks in the Howey-in-the-Hills area. The most popular small dog park is . You can browse all of our small dog parks here.
How do I know if a small dog park works for my dog?
Start by applying basic filters, such as fencing and distractions, to find a dog park that works for your furry friends. If your dog doesn't respond to owner commands, you can visit one of our enclosed dog park areas. If your dog is reactive to other dogs, you can visit one of our small dog park sites where there are no dogs audible or visible nearby. You can see any park amenities provided, including a park bench, water for dogs or water features such as kiddie pool or water hose. If your dog loves water, you can go to a park with water features, but if they don't love water, you can avoid them. We also recommend reading reviews to check for park maintenance issues and reaching out to the host with any questions. And lastly, of course, check park hours. Many of our parks are open from dawn until dusk.
What are the requirements to bring my dog to a Sniffspot park?
We require that all dogs have basic vaccinations or equivalent titers. We do not allow dogs with a bite history. We require that owners sign our waiver and agree to follow our safety rules. We also require that pet owners follow safety protocols around water features.
Will there be other dogs at the Sniffspot park at the same time as me?
Sniffspot only allows one booking at a time and any host dogs are required to be kept away from the spot during visits. We also enforce 30 min time buffers between bookings.
How much do Sniffspot small dog parks cost?
Small dog parks in the Howey-in-the-Hills area range from $ and $. The least expensive small dog park is . The most expensive small dog park is . Each host sets their own price, so you can check the price on the specific Sniffspot dog park listing.
Can I have an event or party at a small dog park?
If you are planning an amazing small dog park party, each Sniffspot park has their own rules regarding special events. Many parks allow doggie birthday parties, training, water parties and other event types. Event organizers need to be responsible for their guests and event organizers should coordinate with the host regarding their fun party. Make sure the park has amenities you need for your party, such as a park with lots of picnic tables with park benches.
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