Animal Aid for Vermilion Area
#100 in United States, #3 in Louisiana, #1 in Lafayette
To date, Animal Aid for Vermilion Area (AAVA), a non profit 501(c)3 animal rescue organization established in 1995, located in South Louisiana, has helped rescue thousands of animals. AAVA has worked through numerous natural disasters, including hurricanes Katrina and Rita and the floods of August 2016. In the aftermath of Katrina, they helped unite people with their pets and saved cattle from drowning and starving.
AAVA also helped pass the Pet Evacuation Bill that keeps service animals and pets from being left behind during a disaster.
AAVA has been helping animals and their owners for over 20 years, and one of their goals is to rescue and rehome as many animals as possible from the local Animal Control facility, a kill facility with no adoption program.
Friends of Lafayette Animal Shelter
#100 in United States, #3 in Louisiana, #1 in Lafayette
FLASh is a 501c3 non-profit animal welfare organization with a mission to help improve the lives of the animals at the Lafayette Animal Shelter and Care Center and homeless and at-risk pets throughout our community. We focus on surrender prevention: helping pets stay in their loving homes and not enter a shelter.
We strongly encourage you to adopt a pet from Lafayette Animal Shelter and Care Center (LASCC). The shelter has many cats and dogs for adoption. They are all wonderful, fully vaccinated and spayed/neutered
Animal Rescue Foundation of Louisiana, Inc
#100 in United States, #3 in Louisiana, #1 in Lafayette
Animal Rescue Foundation of Louisiana is an all-volunteer, federally recognized 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives and welfare of homeless dogs, incorporated in 1998.
Iberia Parish Animal Control
#100 in United States, #3 in Louisiana, #1 in Lafayette
The Iberia Parish Rabies and Animal Control facility operates the Animal Shelter at 2017 Seaway Access Road, focusing on public health and safety. Its primary goal is to ensure that all dogs and cats in Iberia Parish are vaccinated against rabies and registered. This program also includes enforcing rabies and leash law ordinances, as well as handling animal quarantine and observation for bite cases. The shelter takes in unwanted or stray animals, either picked up by animal control officers or dropped off by residents.
Louisiana Husky Rescue Inc.
#100 in United States, #3 in Louisiana, #1 in Lafayette
At Louisiana Husky Rescue, we believe all animals are deserving of life, respect and care, but our focus is on the Siberian Husky breed. Our goal is zero-population-growth through spay/neuter programs and services that focus on education, medical care, fostering and adoption.
Our history
Our founder, Tim A. Washington, established Louisiana Husky Rescue, "LaHR," in June of 2019 to answer the growing problem of Siberian huskies being euthanized due to the uncontrollable amount of surrenders, strays, abandoned and neglected.
Acadiana Animal Aid
#100 in United States, #3 in Louisiana, #1 in Lafayette
Acadiana Animal Aid (AAA) is the region’s leader in animal transport, adoption, and education. We provide a safe place to land for animals at risk of euthanasia before they take off to their adoptive homes. For 50 years, AAA has played a vital role in saving animals from impoverished, resource-deprived communities. We transfer in pets at risk of euthanasia from municipal shelters throughout the state, provide veterinary and daily care, and create pathways to their futures. AAA is known locally and nationally for its transport program, a lifesaving strategy to reduce the 40% euthanasia rate of shelter pets in Louisiana. Our commitment to saving our region’s pets runs deep – in 2023, we saved nearly 2,000 cats and dogs through local and out-of-state adoptions and transport.
Founded in 1974 & Chartered As A 501(C)3 Non-Profit Animal Welfare Organization
Acadiana Animal Aid is funded by donations, fundraisers, and adoption fees
and is governed by a Board of Directors.
Guiding Principles
Acadiana Animal Aid is the largest local animal welfare organization in the area that is leading the way in inspiring a healthy community through compassion for animals.
We strive to not only rescue and find homes for these companion animals, but, also, to be an integral part of inspiring our community through education, volunteer, foster, transport and adoption programs. As a partner to the Pet Food Pantry, we strongly believe in serving as a resource for our community, which includes providing opportunities for them to be responsible, loving pet owners that have access to affordable care and nutrition.
Lafayette Animal Shelter & Care Center (LASCC)
#100 in United States, #3 in Louisiana, #1 in Lafayette
The Lafayette Animal Shelter & Care Center (LASCC) is the municipal animal shelter serving the two and 4-legged residents of Lafayette Parish. Our mission is to find, protect, and serve the citizens and animals of Lafayette Parish through community engagement and innovative methods to obtain harmony between the two. After introduction of the No-Kill 2020 initiative in 2016, LASCC has successfully increased adoptions, implemented a TNR (trap-neuter-return) program for cats, increased rescues, and decreased euthanasia rates. The shelter has increased its save rate of 52.88 percent in 2016 to a successful No- Kill status save rate of 90.3 percent in 2020. Community support as well as partnerships with nonprofit organizations such as Wildcat Foundation/SpayNation and Acadiana Animal Aid have been instrumental in obtaining and maintaining a No-Kill status.
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