Lucky Dog Refuge
#87 in United States, #2 in Connecticut, #1 in New Haven
We are not just a rescue, we are a refuge; a safe haven for dogs from dire backgrounds. We focus on the dogs most in need of saving - those who have been abandoned by their families, the strays, the starving, the injured, the sick, and those in immediate need of help. We take them in, rehabilitate them, provide housing, vetting, training, and extra doses of love.
Whether at our facility in Stamford, CT or placed with one of our rescue partners, every dog we commit to is guaranteed love and a beautiful life with the forever family they so deserve.
"We began following Lucky Dog as soon as we moved to CT and saw th..." more
Desmond's Army Animal Law Advocates
#99 in United States, #3 in Connecticut, #2 in New Haven
Desmond's Army Animal Law Advocates is a group of volunteer citizens who work together to better the lives of animals. We are committed to impacting animal welfare legislation. We do this by being a voice for the voiceless in the courts and at the Capitol. We seek to raise public awareness regarding the statistical connection between animal abuse and domestic and social violence.
"Care for the dogs is something I’ve never seen. P"
Double Dog Rescue
#100 in United States, #4 in Connecticut, #3 in New Haven
Double Dog Rescue (DDR) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded by two sisters, Chey Ottoson and Laurie Ottoson Perotti. After rescuing their own dogs from the south, they wanted to do more to save even more dogs. Laurie was already working with Chesapeake Bay Retriever Rescue when she met Sharon Veronneau. Sharon, too, was a huge fan of Chessies, yet wanted to be part of an all-breed rescue. In turn, Sharon decided to be the third partner to the group. Chey adopted her first dog Lincoln who was a pet surrender, from Laurie. After getting the ‚rescue bug, Chey frequented petfinder and met Lisa Walker and Debbie Ginn. Overall, there have been countless generous leaders in rescue who have taught the sisters the best practices which in turn were integrated into Double Dog Rescue. These are the best practices they instilled in their volunteers, and what has made DDR one of the best in New England. Together, Double Dog Rescue was launched in December 2006.
Where the Love Is Animal Rescue
#100 in United States, #4 in Connecticut, #3 in New Haven
Where the Love Is, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, no-kill animal shelter whose mission is finding loving homes for pets in Connecticut and beyond. It was founded in Hamden, Connecticut in July 2013 and has since rescued and found adoptive homes for more than 2,000 dogs. Dedicated to the prevention of animal cruelty and abuse, Where The Love Is promotes the fostering and/or adoption of abandoned or unwanted pets.
Many of the animals up for adoption come from high-kill shelters in states like Texas, Louisiana, and Georgia where they often face euthanasia. They are brought to our shelter in Connecticut and given a new ‚'leash on life'. Each pet is fully vetted, receives some training, and gets lots of love before they are matched with a new family.
Where the Love Is relies fully on volunteers, so 100 percent of your donation goes toward the animals' health care and social and emotional well-being.
Red Leash Rescue
#100 in United States, #4 in Connecticut, #3 in New Haven
Red Leash Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit adult, senior and terminally ill dog rescue located in Fairfield County, Connecticut. Our mission is to provide refuge, love and care to abandoned, surrendered or discarded dogs in our community. Red Leash Rescue works with animal control facilities across Fairfield County, taking in adult and senior dogs that have been overlooked by potential adopters or are having difficulty in facility. We also accept dogs coming from owner surrender and owner death. Once a dog has become part of our program they are bathed and taken to the vet for a well check. They are spayed or neutered, microchipped, and vaccinated. We work closely with our amazing local vets to assure we are aware of any concerns with our rescue's health. RLR rescues are then placed in foster care to allow them time to decompress from their experience in the shelter, as well as any loss or neglect they endured prior to arrival in our program. Our fosters work very hard to get every dog into a place where they are ready for adoption.
Our long term goal is to complement our program with a multi-use Sanctuary for terminally ill dogs, dogs bequeathed to our care as well as adoptable dogs that do not have a foster. This home-like setting will allow us to provide attention, enrichment and meet medical needs of the dogs in our care. Our Sanctuary will be a place for community education and involvement by providing expanded volunteer opportunities.
#100 in United States, #4 in Connecticut, #3 in New Haven
We Adopt Greyhounds, Inc (WAG) is a volunteer based, state-licensed, certified 501(c)3 organization founded in 1992 in Glastonbury, CT.
WAG is dedicated to finding responsible, loving, and suitable homes for retired racing greyhounds and other breeds of sighthounds. WAG also looks to be an educational resource to the greyhound and sighthound community and works to promote and educate the public about the joys of greyhounds and sighthounds as pets.
Brass City Animal Rescue
#100 in United States, #4 in Connecticut, #3 in New Haven
We aim to get as many dogs adopted as possible via our rescue. We have our own dog shelter and hold weekend adoption events to find forever homes for our pups.
We provide veterinary care, behavioral assessments and training to make each animal successful in its new forever home. Though we no longer adopt cats out, we do assist other local rescues in the networking of homeless cats, including trapping and trap-neuter-release. We collect food, toys and other needs for our rescued dogs including veterinary donations for their care while in rescue.
We network for dogs at local shelters and lend a hand to our rescue friends whenever we can. We also advocate for the well being of the dogs and their living conditions and strive to better improve the long standing customer service issues at many Connecticut Animal Control facilities. We also help the public with questions, training, referrals to veterinarians etc. Through constant media promotion and proper assessments of the dogs, we hope to save as many lives as possible in our day to day mission.
This RESCUE group is CT registered and has APPROVED 501(c)3 status with the Internal
Revenue Service. All donations to Brass City Rescue Alliance are tax deductible.
Ridgefield Operation for Animal Rescue (ROAR)
#100 in United States, #4 in Connecticut, #3 in New Haven
Our shelter, named for the Donofrio family in recognition of their generous and ongoing support, reflects best practices in shelter construction and animal care.
It is a warm, safe, welcoming place for homeless pets to recover and await adoption.
ROAR‚'s staff and team of volunteers provide loving care, daily exercise & playtime, grooming, training medical attention and individual kennel accommodations to create a home-like environment.
Nutritious food is generously provided by Blue Buffalo company, a long-time friend and sponsor of