#97 in United States, #23 in California, #1 in San Francisco
dogs in good health with wonderful personalities are euthanized. Why? Because they're older, and not considered adoptable. A dog is brought in because he can't jog with his guardian anymore. Or he needs a little time to get up the stairs. Or he's simply not a puppy. In some cases, dogs are moved from loving homes to concrete cages because their guardians have died or simply can't care for them anymore.
We reach out to senior dogs at risk, give them the care they need, and find them loving forever homes. If we had our way, no dog would spend their last days in a shelter. There is so much love and joy in these dogs!
"Muttville is an amazing rescue. They take in older dogs and find ..." more
Rocket Dog Rescue
#99 in United States, #25 in California, #2 in San Francisco
Rocket Dog Rescue saves dogs from abuse, neglect, and death at overcrowded shelters and places them in loving homes. We support pet owners in need in our community, and serve as first responders in emergency animal situations and natural disasters. Funded entirely by donations, we are a volunteer-run, 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Learn about what we do or apply to adopt a dog in the San Francisco Bay Area
"Rocket Dog pulls animals from high kill shelters and has an urban..." more
Namaste Akita Rescue Alliance
#100 in United States, #26 in California, #3 in San Francisco
Namaste Akita Rescue Alliance is a 501(c) (3) Non-profit charitable organization located in Northern California, in the San Francisco Bay Area. We are a small grassroots volunteer based organization. We take in only the number of Akitas we can responsibly care for and re-home. Caring for a manageable number of dogs allows us to provide necessary medical treatment, quality nutrition, training and socialization. It also gives us ample time to get to fully know our fosters and their unique personalities, all of which enables us to find the best possible match for them in an adoptive family. Our members and volunteers are a group of dedicated individuals who have full time jobs, family commitments, children and their own companion animals, yet make time to provide structure, training, behavior modification, medical care when necessary, socialization and plenty of TLC for the dogs in our program.
Our goal is to place our Akitas in appropriate homes that provide for and compliment the needs of each individual dog, as well as meets the requirements of our adopters. Collectively, we have more than 30 years of rescue experience with the breed.
We partner with local shelters in Contra Costa County, Alameda County, San Francisco, Sacramento, Solano County, Napa, San Mateo, Santa Clara, San Jose, Santa Cruz, Monterey, Santa Barbara, the Tri-Valley and Central Valley and Marin County. We will consider other locations depending on available resources and space available.
Before we accept a dog into our program, they are carefully evaluated for temperament and health. We then begin the process of getting to know each dog and asses their needs, before we make them available. Some dogs may require more time for rehabilitation, physical or physiological healing or just basic training. They receive whatever time is needed to ensure they are ready and well adjusted so they can thrive in a loving qualified home.
We are not a "sanctuary". We don't have acres of land with our own kennels, nor do we have a long list of foster homes to take in large numbers of dogs. We have a small network of volunteers and while our priority is to place our orphans in foster homes first, unfortunately there simply are not enough.
Unlike government funded agencies, we rely purely on donations from you, our community and supporters to help fund the work we do. Adoption fees help defray some of our operating costs to spay/neuter, immunize, feed, board/kennel, microchip and provide any medical treatment needed. Often times extensive medical tests are required, and/or major surgical procedures are necessary to get these dogs back to optimum health. Your donations enable us to provide these dogs with the care they never had. Because we are recognized in the state of California as a 501(c)3 non-profit charitable organization, your donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Our outreach efforts include supporting our local communities by being a resource for educating the public about responsible pet ownership, the importance of spaying/neutering, breed selection, how to prepare for your newly adopted dog, and the many other challenges of pet ownership. We also provide resources for veterinary specialists (i.e: oncologists, dermatologists, ophthalmologists), rehabilitation and therapy centers, animal behaviorists and trainers.
Our extended family of Akitas who were adopted from the Akita chapter of Niko Rescue appear on our "Adopted" page, because we want those adopters to know they have our commitment of continued support for the life of their Akita.
We hope you're here because you'd like to learn more about the breed, or perhaps because you'd like to join us in our efforts, either by adopting, volunteering or donating. Your support could make the difference in the life of an Akita for the rest of their life.
4 Dogs Farm Rescue
#100 in United States, #26 in California, #3 in San Francisco
At 4 Dogs Farm Rescue, we are dedicated to rescuing and rehabilitating dogs in need. Our team of volunteers work tirelessly to ensure the physical and mental well-being of our rescue dogs. We believe that every dog deserves a loving and forever home, and we strive to make that a reality for each and every one of our dogs.
CalPaws K9 Rescue
#100 in United States, #26 in California, #3 in San Francisco
CalPaws K9 Rescue was established in October 2019. We are an all-volunteer non-profit dog rescue focused on saving dogs of all ages and breeds. Our volunteers consist of experienced animal rescuers located across the San Francisco Bay area and beyond.
A Girl's Best Friend Rescue
#100 in United States, #26 in California, #3 in San Francisco
A Girl’s Best Friend Rescue is a registered 501(C)3 non-profit organization that pulls dogs from kill shelters, rescues them from the streets, provides them with their necessary medical care, and works tirelessly to help each dog find forever loving homes. Are you ready to meet your best friend?
Tailchaser Rescue
#100 in United States, #26 in California, #3 in San Francisco
Tailchaser Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit, no-kill, animal rescue organization based out of the Bay Area, CA, dedicated to rescuing cats and dogs (and sometimes more) from shelters where they are in danger. We believe in removing barriers to adoption and educating pet owners and potential adopters about responsible pet ownership and the importance of spay / neuter.
We are a foster-home-based organization and we do not have a shelter or physical location that adopters can visit. All of our rescued animals are cared for by volunteer foster families in their homes. This allows us to get to know the animals better, and helps us assess what type of home environment they will do best in.
Tailchaser Rescue was founded in 2008.
K9 Paw Print Rescue
#100 in United States, #26 in California, #3 in San Francisco
K9 Paw Print Rescue (K9PPR) is an animal rescue group.
Our founding volunteers are known in the rescue world and have been rescuing as well as working in animal-related fields for quite some time. K9PPR became fully operational at the beginning of 2012.
We have volunteers in fields such as Veterinary, Animal Training and behavior fields, Nurses, Shelter workers, and hard core animal lovers. We all work together to save lives of dogs in need! Our family is growing every day, and we are very excited for the things to come in the coming years!
As an animal rescue group, we have access to animals that are not available to the public which may need some extra help medically, or just need a little extra TLC before becoming adoptable. We are contacted about animals who have run out of time at shelters, evaluate them for temperament and work with them until they are ready for adoption!
We rescue animals primarily from local shelters and place the animals into our volunteer foster homes until we can find them their fur-ever home!
Asians for Humans, Animals & Nature
#100 in United States, #26 in California, #3 in San Francisco
We are changing our organization's name from Asians for Humans, Animals & Nature to Angel's Love. The abbreviation and the website will remain the same as
AHAN Accomplishments and The Future of AHAN
First, I would like to express my gratitude to all of the people whom adopted dogs and cats from us and all of the people, including the staff, volunteers, donors and friends of AHAN, whom were involved with our organization to find so many good homes for these animals.
AHAN will be a program under Angel's Love and will continue to help animals, but decreasing the number of hands-on adoptions. We will still post a few new dogs but the majority of the requests will be forwarded to other reliable organizations to help with dog adoptions.
Angel's Love will be more involved with setting up a foundation to help other rescuers and organizations once we verify all the information and the background of those organizations.
A quick look at AHAN's 30+ years of accomplishments
• - We were the first organization that came up with a strategy with an international organization's help to get Taiwan pass the Animal Protection Law.
• - We have helped more than 60 international and local rescuers find homes for their rescued dogs
• - We have adopted out more than ten thousand dogs and cats and even some goats.
• - We were heavily involved in stopping the unnecessary killing of feral cats in the Bay Area.
• - We came up with a successful strategy of how to help animals locally and internationally without owning a shelter by working together with rescuers from all over the world.
We will continue helping to save dogs and cats by supporting other organizations!
Ozzies Pound Puppies
#100 in United States, #26 in California, #3 in San Francisco
Ozzies Pound Puppies was established in 2012. It is named after our founders beloved dog, Ozzie, who died in 2011 due to spleen cancer. When Ozzie died, she adopted two puppies from Stanislaus shelter and they promptly got parvo. They both survived and a rescue was born.
We focus on saving parvo puppies from the shelters and the public. We also focus on orphaned puppies whose mothers have passed away, these puppies would not survive without round the clock care.
We do not have a shelter, all our dogs are in foster homes mostly in Alameda and Conta Costa County (close to our vets). We are 100% volunteer based, we all have regular jobs and save dogs because we love them. Please be patient with us as we communicate by email only.
Welcome Home Sanctuary
#100 in United States, #26 in California, #3 in San Francisco
We are a 100% volunteer-run nonprofit rescue based in San Francisco that take dogs most in need and immediately put them in foster care so they don't ever have to be in a shelter environment again.
Jelly's Place
#100 in United States, #26 in California, #3 in San Francisco
Jelly's Place was founded in 2017 to be an advocate for the lives and dignity of urban animals who are homeless, abandoned, impounded, sick, or injured, by providing responsible care, placement, and community education with the commitment to the No-Kill philosophy. Its founder, Julie Bainbridge, has been rescuing and fostering animals since childhood. She has rescued, fostered, and /or raised all kinds of animals, including baby squirrels, racoons, pigeons, chickens, geese, ducks, opossums, skunks (yes- skunks), wild and tropical birds, pigmy goats, mice, snakes, rabbits, dogs, and cats.
Animals are cared for by volunteers in their homes and at our shelter located in San Pablo.
Jelly's Place is named in memory of her beloved English Bulldog who crossed over the Rainbow bridge in 2016.
Jelly's Place depends on donations and grants, and volunteers to foster and care for animals. Your donations are tax-deductible.
Northern California Sled Dog Rescue
#100 in United States, #26 in California, #3 in San Francisco
Established in 1997 as a 501(c)(3) organization, NorSled's mission is to rescue, rehabilitate, foster, and find homes for unwanted, abandoned, and abused Northern breed dogs. Our strategy involves extensive community engagement, fundraising, and collaboration with partners like Pet Food Express. We focus on increasing awareness about the specific needs of these breeds and providing support to adopters, ensuring long-term care and reducing return rates.
SEN Foundation Animal Rescue
#100 in United States, #26 in California, #3 in San Francisco
SEN Foundation Animal Rescue
is a volunteer-run foster-based rescue
dedicated to saving the lives of injured, sick, abandoned, ownerless animals, as well as preventing animal cruelty and neglect.
We passionately believe that people help animals and animals help people through trust, unconditional love, and respect. We believe that animals from shelters and animals with special needs also deserve a chance. Sharing this philosophy with others, we inspire and teach locally and internationally, the importance of the animal-human bond, responsible and humane treatment of animals, adoption of animals from shelters, and animals with special needs.
NorCal Poodle Rescue
#100 in United States, #26 in California, #3 in San Francisco
We are a group of volunteers who rescue, rehabilitate and find loving homes for more than 140 poodles and poodle mixes each year. Serving Northern California, we rescue and adopt standard, miniature and toy poodles, as well as poodle mixes. We respond to county shelters, humane societies, and individuals via our website and phone hotline. Each poodle is spayed or neutered, vaccinated, micro-chipped and groomed before adoption. In addition, we provide extensive medical care, fostering, boarding and training if needed before placement. We have a return policy in the event that a poodle adoption doesn't work out.
We are always grateful for your donations; 97% of all donations are dedicated to our poodles. As we are an all-volunteer organization we incur only 3% administrative cost. The generous gift of time by our volunteers, support and services by pet care businesses, and your tax-deductible donations make this work possible.
NorCal Poodle Rescue is an Adoption Guarantee Organization: We rehabilitate and re-home all healthy and treatable animals in our care and reserve euthanasia only for unhealthy and untreatable animals in extreme cases, such as those who bite or with unmanageable medical conditions. NCPR honors the definitions of healthy and treatable as described by the Asilomar Accords.
DogZone Rescue
#100 in United States, #26 in California, #3 in San Francisco
DogZone Rescue is a registered 501(c)3 Non- Profit who saves unwanted, abused and abandoned dogs and places them in loving and responsible forever homes to live out their lives as cherished family members. We would love for you to join us by adopting a dog, volunteering as a foster parent or donating your time for other needed volunteer positions with the rescue.
Bay Area Alliance for Animals
#100 in United States, #26 in California, #3 in San Francisco
Bay Area Alliance for Animals (A4A) is a 501c3 non-profit officially started in 2012 by Alexandra Kay and Adriana Ludé. After years of taking in, neutering, fostering and adopting homeless cats and dogs, Alexandra and Adriana were looking for a way to make a bigger difference in the lives of these animals. They came to the realization that the most vital impact could be made by starting an organization that would form a bridge between local non-profits and the county animal shelters. With the help of awesome volunteers with so many varying areas of expertise, we believe that that a No Kill Bay Area can be achieved! Check out our programs for more specific information!
Peninsula Humane Society & SPCA
#100 in United States, #26 in California, #3 in San Francisco
The Peninsula Humane Society & SPCA (PHS/SPCA) is a local, private, non-profit charitable organization dedicated to animal welfare. Among our major programs, PHS/SPCA adopts fully 100% of the healthy, adoptable dogs and cats in our care and also, through our charitably funded Hope Program, make well and find homes for thousands of animals who come to us sick, injured, or too young to survive without supportive care. PHS/SPCA is truly an open admission shelter, not only accepting many pet animals who might be refused at other shelters, but also taking care of injured and orphaned native wildlife. Our work means almost 5,000 lives saved each year. PHS/SPCA has received a 4-star rating from Charity Navigator, and we’re a Platinum-level GuideStar Exchange participant
Companions In Waiting
#100 in United States, #26 in California, #3 in San Francisco
Companions in Waiting began in 2003, and was incorporated as a 501(c)3 California non-profit corporation in 2007.
Companions In Waiting works to help dogs, cats, kittens, and puppies become welcomed members of a family. Each animal goes through a program of "in home" socialization, animal good manners, beginning obedience training and other therapies designed especially for them that will nurture their physical and mental well-being while in our care.
Potential adopters will be given guides to support, develop and enhance their relationship with the new member of the family. Follow-up communication will increase the likelihood that these companion animals will stay in a stable, loving home their entire lives.
Companions In Waiting is a California corporation for charitable and educational purposes. The corporation has tax-exemption status under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. Your donations to Companions in Waiting are tax-deductible.
Bay Area Animal Rescue Crew
#100 in United States, #26 in California, #3 in San Francisco
Bay Area Animal Rescue Crew (BAARC) was born August 2015 from a group of friends with a passion and love for saving animals. We provide loving foster homes to homeless dogs until we find them their new FURever family. At BAARC, we are dedicated to finding the right fit for all of our ADOPTables.
Our animals come from a variety of California shelters or from owners who can no longer take care for their pets. If you are interested in owner-surrendering a pet, please know that while we are committed to saving as many animals as possible, we are bound by the number of foster homes we have to house and love the animal.
If we cannot take in the animal due to a lack of space, we can provide referrals to other rescues who may be able to help keep your animal out of the shelter system.
ADOPTable dogs are spayed/neutered (fixed), microchipped, up to date on vaccinations. We will not adopt out dogs for breeding purposes, and as such, each dog that is eligible for spay/neuter will be desexed.
Contra Costa Humane Society
#100 in United States, #26 in California, #3 in San Francisco
Contra Costa Humane Society was established in 1991 as the result of the merging of two former longstanding Contra Costa County animal welfare groups — Stop Pets’ Annual Yield (SPAY) and Animal Protection Bureau (APB).
Since its formation, CCHS has been in a few locations around the East Bay and in Fall 2023, we expanded our office space to accommodate our growing programs. Kitty Corner, our free-roam space for cats and kittens in our program, doubled in size in 2023, enabling us to rescue more animals! Our space can house up to 25 adult cats in our “big room”, plus a dozen kittens between two smaller rooms. We have a quiet room to provide isolation if needed or use for acclimating a cat or kitten not quite ready to join the others in Kitty Corner. A special space is also available for hospice cats and kittens where we can provide the comfort of home and give special medical attention while in our care.
Love Dogs Rescue and Foundation Inc.
#100 in United States, #26 in California, #3 in San Francisco
Love Dogs Rescue and Foundation is a federal income tax exempt 501(c)(3) organization. Founded in 2019, we seek to end the killing of homeless dogs through two avenues: adoption and free or low cost spay/neuter.
Mutt Luv Rescue
#100 in United States, #26 in California, #3 in San Francisco
Woof Animal Rescue
#100 in United States, #26 in California, #3 in San Francisco
WOOF Animal Rescue is a 100% volunteer-based non-profit organization dedicated to rescuing animals in Northern California. With the help of our volunteers, WOOF has rescued numerous dogs from high-kill shelters, trained them as necessary and found wonderful forever homes for them.
We believe in…
• Saving animal’s lives
• Adoption of animals rather than purchasing from those breeding for profit and/or irresponsibly
• Responsibly placing these animals in loving permanent homes
• Finding the perfect match for both human and animal, rather than placing animals in any homes
• Educating people and spreading the word about the importance of pet sterilization to control overpopulation of animals
• Educating people about responsible pet ownership, positive behavior training, good nutrition and the humane treatment of animals
If you are interested in adopting one of our animals or becoming an animal foster parent, click here to apply. If you are interested in Volunteering and/or Donating, visit our Donate page for more instructions, or fill out our contact form to reach one of our dedicated volunteers!
We want to thank you in advance for your support and compassion for the animals. It is people like you who make up our circle of friends, helping those who cannot ask for help themselves. Without your support and compassion, our mission would not be possible.
Friends of Contra Costa Animal Shelters
#100 in United States, #26 in California, #3 in San Francisco
Friends of Contra Costa Animal Shelters is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization formed in 2018 by a dedicated team of volunteers committed to raising much-needed funds to support the animals at Contra Costa Animal Services. FOCCAS has no paid officers or staff.
Doggie Protective Services
#100 in United States, #26 in California, #3 in San Francisco
Doggie Protective Services is a non-profit, volunteer-driven animal rescue organization. We are a 501(c)(3) rescue that was incorporated in 2001. We rescue dogs of all breeds, ages, and sizes. Since our creation, we have helped over 12,000 dogs and cats find their forever homes.
We do not have a facility, so we rely on our foster homes located throughout California. Anywhere from 100-200 foster homes are active at various times in some capacity, whether they are long-term, short-term or overnight fosters. Most of our fosters are also involved beyond just fostering - they come to events, transport our animals, do post-adoption outreach and help spread the word about DPS!
We also rely heavily on volunteers, and are lucky enough to have a supportive group of dedicated friends who help assist in everything from writing bios for dogs to promoting them on their own social media to help them get adopted!
While our name may be Doggie Protective Services, we also rescue cats as well! We have a small, vibrant group of cat fosters who take in our rescue cats and kittens. For cat owners requesting re-homing assistance, we also assist if they can foster their own cat while we work to find a perfect forever home.
Approximately 30 shelters throughout Southern and Northern California partner with us in our rescue efforts. We are contacted by shelters and asked to help with overpopulation by taking in specific dogs who otherwise may not be adopted or who have been at the shelter for an extended period of time. We take in dogs who do not thrive in a shelter environment or who need medical or behavioral attention outside of the facility.
Our partnership with a rescue group in Korea helps us fully realize the impact of a highly dedicated, global network of volunteers. Our Korean rescue partners save dogs who are sold to the meat markets or who are in danger of ending up at the meat markets. We also have a partnership with a rescue in China who sends us dogs she would not be able to place in her country. It is our strong belief that because we have the resources and the ability to save highly adoptable dogs from certain death, that we should do so. It doesn't matter if the dogs in need are in the Bay Area, LA, or as far away as Korea. Our philosophy is simple: If there is a need, and we can and want to assist, then we will.
Beyond Rescue
#100 in United States, #26 in California, #3 in San Francisco
At Beyond Rescue, we’re committed to ensuring that you and your dog are family forever so we're here for you through the entire process. From adoption, to socialization and training, to providing the education and support, we want your household to be comfortable and happy. And if you find yourself facing challenges that might lead to having to give up your dog, we try and offer solutions that hopefully help you keep them. We promise any dog that comes into our care will never end up homeless during their lifetime.
Beyond Rescue understands that adopting a dog is where the relationship starts, not where it ends. Our community of dog-loving people goes beyond rescuing dogs—we work to provide a safety net that helps to ensure that adoptive families have the ongoing support, education, and services they need to keep their dog happy and healthy and home. Forever.