Mountain Guardians Animal Alliance
#100 in United States, #4 in Utah, #2 in Ogden
At Mountain Guardians Animal Alliance, we believe pets are cherished family members, offering unwavering companionship. With each adoption, we create bonds that last a lifetime, nurturing the understanding that pets enrich our lives in countless ways. Join us in celebrating the joy of adoption and the lasting impact it has on both humans and their beloved animal companions.
• No Kill Philosophy
• Community Enrichment & Education
• Animal Advocacy & Empowerment
• Lifelong Partnerships
Y-Not Save a Sam Rescue
#100 in United States, #4 in Utah, #2 in Ogden
Y-Not Save a Sam Rescue is an all-volunteer, 501c3 non-profit organization founded in 2012 to rescue the Samoyed breed in need, whether they are in shelters, found on the streets or an owner surrender. We are open to saving dogs in all geographic areas (both in the United States and abroad), of all ages, and in all health conditions, as funding allows. Y-Not Save a Sam Rescue operates independently and must generate our own donations to fund operational costs including veterinary care, travel expenses, boarding, and training.
We try to help dogs that no one else will, and that can be a heavy burden on our finances. Y-Not Save a Sam operates independently and must generate our own donations to fund operational costs including veterinary care, travel expenses, boarding, and training. We do what we can, and always wish we could do more.
From time to time, the rescue groups that we work with will have other breeds in need of loving homes. Even though we are a breed-specific rescue, we try to help them out when we can. (It's just the right thing to do.) To stay true to our mission, those dogs will always have dedicated fund-raisers and are not directly funded by our Rescue.
The Golden Bark Foundation
#100 in United States, #4 in Utah, #2 in Ogden
In 2015 I saw a schnauzer named Sadie on Facebook, whose owners had passed, and she was found wandering the streets. She was a senior dog, 13 years old. My heart broke for her and her circumstances, and I opened my heart and home to her. She was wonderful! Sweet and well-tempered, housebroken, and happy to be a part of our family. Although I knew she didn’t have much time left, giving her the home she deserved for the latter portion of her life, felt so good.
The inevitable happened in 2018 when she passed over the rainbow bridge, leaving a hole in my heart. As sad as I was to see her go, it still fulfilled me knowing what I gave her. Soon after her passing, I saw another dog online named Harvey.
Harvey was a 10-year-old schnauzer that had been surrendered to the Humane Society. He reminded me of Sadie, and I visited him in the shelter. I instantly fell in love; Harvey was a joy, from his scraggly hair to his constant excited barking. I took him in, and he became a part of our family, living out his final years in comfort and knowing he was loved.
Just last year, in 2022, Harvey passed away. He left a hole in my heart, just like Sadie. One thing became clear: these old dogs were my true passion in life. Who knows what would have happened to these old dogs if I hadn’t taken them in? Older dogs are the last to get adopted at shelters and the first to be euthanized when the shelters reach capacity. People want to adopt young dogs with their lives ahead of them, but seniors deserve a loving home too. They deserve a comfortable retirement home where they can be given the care and love they need to live out their golden years.
In March of 2022, I decided to do something for those senior dogs, something I had thought of and talked about for a few years. I began the process of starting up a non-profit dog rescue for senior dogs, and in June of that same year, The Golden Bark Foundation became an official 501c3 organization!
The GBF is small right now, but we’re growing every day. We’ve already helped eight old dogs in need get into foster homes and new forever retirement homes! It’s only the beginning, and I’m so excited to see this organization, which I began on pure passion and love for the old dogs of the world, grow and prosper!
Weber County Animal Services
#100 in United States, #4 in Utah, #2 in Ogden
Our Vision
A humane community for every animal and every owner practices responsible pet ownership.
Our Values
We value positive relations with the public, volunteers and employees as we work together to become a No-Kill Community. We value each individual animals’ life, and dedicate ourselves in providing compassion, care and assistance to the animals in our community.
Cache Humane Society
#100 in United States, #4 in Utah, #2 in Ogden
Cache Humane Society has been helping animals in Cache Valley for over 40 years! We were established in 1976 by local animal-lovers who fostered animals in their own homes. After much fundraising, hard work and community support, we opened a new shelter in 2008. Two years later we added a Community Spay/Neuter Clinic to provide affordable services for family pets.
We have expanded into a 5,000 square foot facility, with dedicated space for clinic services, education programs, and an outdoor play park for our shelter animals. As we’ve grown, we’ve built a family of animal-lovers that includes over 30 staff and hundreds of volunteers.
Our Vision Statement
Cache Humane Society will provide:
• A safe environment, healthy nutritious food, clean water, and love and attention for all animals housed in our facility
• Professional and thoughtful service to individuals relinquishing animals for any reason
• Fun and educational programs designed to promote responsible pet ownership and compassionate stewardship of companion animal welfare
• A Community Spay/Neuter & Vaccination Clinic committed to reducing the number of homeless pets in Cache Valley and supporting healthy companion animals
• Recognition of the valuable service of the many volunteers and diligent staff who ensure the shelter remains a place of respect, dignity, and caring
Our Values
We believe all companion animals deserve to be treated with dignity and compassion. We believe our facility provides a joyful, safe and welcoming place to find a new pet or to receive pet services. We believe our education programs help nurture the next generation of loving pet owners. We support an innovative, courageous, and thoughtful family of staff and volunteers and strive to share our ethic with the greater community.