Dogwood Animal Rescue
#97 in United States, #23 in California, #1 in Vallejo
Dogwood Animal Rescue Project is a foster-based, volunteer led non-profit rescue organization focused on the rescue and placement of animals into safe, nurturing homes. Our goals include providing necessary medical care, ongoing spay/neuter clinics, hands-on nurturing, and placement of the homeless animals of Sonoma County and beyond. Dogwood is continually striving to successfully fulfill our vision to establish programs tailored to assist animals in need by ensuring they find safe, loving homes and receive the medical care necessary to live long and healthy lives.
"As a Dogwood adoptive mom, I can attest to the fact that these pe..." more
Humane Society of Imperial County
#99 in United States, #25 in California, #2 in Vallejo
The Humane Society of the North Bay is a private, nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation that was established in 1986 to offer shelter and adoption services for homeless animals. We were formerly known as the Benicia-Vallejo Humane Society.
We are a no-kill shelter.
For nearly four decades we have found permanent homes for thousands of homeless cats and dogs. HSNB has witnessed many joyous reunions.
Although we have a contract with the City of Vallejo to shelter stray animals found in the community, we are not a city shelter, nor are we managed by, affiliated with, or financially supported by any local, county, state or national organizations.
Our funding comes almost entirely from donations by generous individuals and local businesses. We welcome grant opportunities of all kinds, special event fundraisers, monthly donation commitments, and estate and memorial bequests.
"I wish to nominate the Humane Society of Imperial County. This lo..." more
Pits R Us All Breed Rescue and Adoptions
#100 in United States, #26 in California, #3 in Vallejo
Welcome to PitsRUs.Org! As an All Breed Rescue & Adoption Organization, our mission is to save animals from the potential of being euthanized in shelters or kill pens. We take in all breeds of animals, dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, chickens, goats, horses, donkeys, birds, reptiles, and many others. If we are able to locate a foster home, we will provide care. We take pride in the care we provide to the sick and injured, elderly, hospice and special needs animals we take in. We are a foster based rescue, meaning all of our animals are in our homes, and on our land. None of our animals are in boarding facilities. Our animals stay with us as long as it takes for them to find a forever home
Whiskers, Tails & Ferals
#100 in United States, #26 in California, #3 in Vallejo
Whiskers, Tails and Ferals (formerly Up Valley Spay/Neuter Network) is an all-volunteer non-profit organization making a significant impact on the tragedy of pet overpopulation. We rescue several hundred animals in Napa County every year, preventing them from entering the county shelter. Including the animals in other county shelters that we are able to rescue and admit into our program whenever possible, for many of these homeless pets their only hope is to be saved by an animal loving organization like ours. Otherwise without our help they would most likely be euthanized. And with the support of caring people like you, we’re devoted to:
Finding forever homes for abandoned or unwanted cats and dogs.
Spaying and neutering cats and dogs.
The rescue of feral and stray cats, kittens, dogs and puppies.
Cat colony care and safety.
Rehabilitation and fostering of feral and stray cats, kittens, dogs and puppies.
Spaying and neutering cats and dogs from low income households.
Educating people about pet care and the tragedy of overpopulation.
All animals that come into our program are spayed or neutered, tested for a variety of illnesses, vaccinated, wormed (as needed) and micro-chipped. All sick animals are immediately put under the care and supervision of a Napa veterinarian and Whiskers, Tails and Ferals pays for their medications.
NorCal German Shorthaired Pointer Rescue
#100 in United States, #26 in California, #3 in Vallejo
NorCal GSP Rescue is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization dedicated to placing unwanted and abandoned German Shorthaired Pointers in Northern California into new homes. German Shorthaired Pointers and (space-permitting) GSP mixes
Wine Country Animal Lovers
#100 in United States, #26 in California, #3 in Vallejo
Wine Country Animal Lovers leads the no-kill philosophy in the Napa Valley. We are a small, grassroots volunteer-run rescue group. Our animals all live in foster homes until they are adopted (we don't have a physical shelter or facility). This means that every donation goes directly towards helping animals. WCAL assists with all things animal related in the Upper Napa Valley and we do our best to help our neighbors throughout Napa County, Lake County and Sonoma County.
Pets In Need
#100 in United States, #26 in California, #3 in Vallejo
As a 501(c) 3 non-profit animal shelter, we transfer in dogs and cats from public shelters where they are in danger of being euthanized due to space or financial limitations. We then provide them with the best possible care and enrichment until we can help them find their forever homes.
Ripple Effect Animal Project
#100 in United States, #26 in California, #3 in Vallejo
Located in the beautiful Napa Valley, Ripple Effect Animal Project (REAP) was started by a group of dedicated, compassionate animal professionals. Our goal is to help animals in shelter settings, educating the public, and giving owners resources and tips needed to ensure a happy fur family setting.
-Ripple Effect Animal Rescue: Because saving one animal will set off a chain reaction to helping thousands more-
Furry Friends Pet Relief
#100 in United States, #26 in California, #3 in Vallejo
We started this outreach program in hopes to help stop the over population of animals in the shelters. In helping owners at the beginning, when they may feel that they need to surrender their furry friend, at the sense of helplessness, not knowing what resources are out there, and education.
We want pet owners to know that there is help out there, and hope that we can do all that we can to help keep their loved animals out of the shelters. We know that there sometimes isn't another alternative, we are hoping to help those in need and give them a sense of relief and hope.
We assist struggling families and the homeless in the East Bay and surrounding Counties with dog and cat food. Often times we find that those families need a bit more for their Furry Friend(s). They often need new bedding, leashes, collars, clothing ect.
Sometimes they may need their shots and/or need to be spayed or neutered. We offer multiple services to these families so that they don't feel that they need to give up their loved one to the shelter.
We offer low cost spay and neuter services. We also provide information about low income options, especially for pit bulls and chihuahuas which are so readily available and accessible in the east bay.
Information and education is also provided on proper basic medical care such as vaccinations, microchips, and where low cost options exist near by.
We are involved in the community and love going to classrooms to teach kids about animal care, handling, and spay and neuter.
NorCal Collie Rescue
#100 in United States, #26 in California, #3 in Vallejo
NorCal Collie Rescue is a nonprofit corporation* founded by collie lovers who are dedicated to taking responsibility for collies at risk in northern California. Collies come to rescue from many sources, including animal shelters, death of the primary caretaker, people whose health has changed, breeders, divorce and many other circumstances.
Tails of Gray
#100 in United States, #26 in California, #3 in Vallejo
Tails of Gray saves the lives of innocent senior dogs left homeless for any reason, providing quality medical care and placing them into loving, responsible and permanent homes. It is our belief that the life of each senior dog is important
NorCal Boxer Rescue
#100 in United States, #26 in California, #3 in Vallejo
NCBR provides a temporary sanctuary for boxers in need throughout Northern California, the Central Valley (Fresno or farther north) and around the Nevada/California state line area. We are run entirely by a dedicated group of volunteers and have no paid employees. We allocate nearly 100% of our adoption fees and donations directly toward the care of our boxers, including spay/neuter surgeries, vaccinations, a microchip, and more.
Rohnert Park Animal Services
#100 in United States, #26 in California, #3 in Vallejo
The Rohnert Park Animal Shelter is run by the City of Rohnert Park under the direction of the Department of Public Safety. We currently contract with the City of Cotati to provide sheltering services for stray animals and will accept in owner surrenders from their residents as our space allows.
Giving Animals A Second Chance
As a municipal, open-admissions shelter we receive in animals that are found stray within our jurisdiction, animals that owners no longer can care for, as well as injured and abused animals. We also hold animals that are under bite quarantine for rabies control. Our annual intake averages about 1,200 animals – down from a high of 2,100 animals in 1999.
Through our proactive monthly Fix-it Clinics we offer our residents Low-cost spays/neuters for dogs and cats to reduce the number of kittens and puppies that come through our door. Our declining number of intakes show that this approach is paying off!
Our “No More Lost Pets” program, generously funded by the Animal Shelter League of Rohnert Park, offers our residents FREE ID tags and Microchips to assure that every lost pet has a way to be reunited with their worried parents.
We work tirelessly to find good homes for every animal in our care and provide top-notch veterinary care for those in need. Through your generous support we are able to go above and beyond in our ability to help animals get the second chance they deserve.
Cairn Terrier Club of Northern California
#100 in United States, #26 in California, #3 in Vallejo
The Cairn Terrier Club of Northern California is an affiliate club of the Cairn Terrier Club of America, and a licensed member of the American Kennel Club. CTCNC is composed of members who love the Cairn Terrier and their sport and who work together to serve the best interests of the breed and their sport.
The Kern Project
#100 in United States, #26 in California, #3 in Vallejo
The Kern Project rescues dogs from the shelters and from the community, whether pulling them from a field where they have been intentionally dumped or supporting finders of strays. We provide the vet care, boarding and transportation to the Bay Area and beyond, where these unwanted dogs and cats are adopted into homes where they are loved as family members.
Jameson Humane
#100 in United States, #26 in California, #3 in Vallejo
Founded in 2014, Jameson Animal Rescue Ranch, now Jameson Humane, was named in honor of Jameson (pictured above), a brave Great Pyrenees that was rescued in Chicago by Co-Founder, Monica Stevens. A few years later in 2006, Monica and Jameson moved to Napa Valley. At 180 pounds and quite handsome, Jameson was somewhat of a celebrity in Napa Valley and years later inspired the spirit and mission of the nonprofit and brought immeasurable companionship and love to Monica and David’s lives. It was through Jameson's own rescue story that Monica and David saw beyond the traditional path of animal rescue by listening to the community and responding holistically to the needs of the animals and their human guardians. With that came the realization that as a nation, we cannot rescue our way out of the plight animals face, hence the inspiration for the animal sanctuary and rescue. Jameson lived to a beautiful age of 14.
SF Samoyed Rescue
#100 in United States, #26 in California, #3 in Vallejo
San Francisco Samoyed Rescue (SFSR) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization supported by volunteers in Northern California.
We rescue, rehabilitate, and rehome Samoyeds and Samoyed mixes.
We understand that Samoyeds require a high level of care.
Our mission is to ensure all owners are equipped to have fulfilling friendships with their Samoyed.
Animal Refugee Response
#100 in United States, #26 in California, #3 in Vallejo
Founded in 2011, Animal Refugee Response is a 501(c)3 non profit organization committed to improving the lives of animals in need, through direct care, serving the community, and standing as a positive example of the NO-KILL alternative.
Napa County Animal Shelter
#100 in United States, #26 in California, #3 in Vallejo
Our animal shelter is here to serve the community and its animals by providing programs and services to support our Napa County residents and their pets. To better serve our public, appointments are required for licensing, spay/neuter vouchers, cat trap rentals, Foster Program procedures, microchipping, and reclaims. We welcome walk ins for adoptions and meet and greets and information on our adoption procedure can be found here.
The Shelter takes in an average of 2300 animals a year and the important work that we do could not be possible without the hard work of the staff, volunteers and our community. Staff work hard every day to make sure the needs of the animals are met while volunteers provide the necessary enrichment to help the staff keep our animals healthy. Our community plays a huge role in preventing animals from unnecessarily coming into the shelter by being responsible pet owners, seeking out spay/neuter resources, participating in our Community Cat Program, and providing generous donations of monetary and in-kind items to assist with operations.